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The sound of wind woke her up. Slowly she opened her eyes. First that she saw were white ray, slowly her eyes adjusted to the glow. She looked around,  it was all white and green. There are a lot of strange tree, one tree bear different fruits. She was alone there. Then she heard a voice, it was like calling her.
Then she saw someone approaching her, she tried to see the face but the light block it. The person said something but she couldn't understand what the person said. The person than took her hand and then they were somewhere. It was a nice place, there are a lot of animals there. There are three, flowers and mostly it looks like a garden. A very beautiful garden.
Then she saw something, there are a lot of people with wings. They were surrounded a place that looks like a throne. At the throne sat an old man, at his right stood a young man resemble to the old man.
“Father.” The young man said when all the people around bow.
“What is it son?” The old man said. Oddly they were talking in a strange language but she understood it.
“She's here.” The young man said when a young woman entered the room. She looks so angry. All the winged creatures were bowed to her.
“It's not everyday, the Goddess of Wrath is here.” The old man said.
“Cut the crap Berith. Just because you are the King of the God's doesn't mean you have a right to do that. I don't mind if you chose your son as the Commander of Gods Army. I don't care of he is the God of War. I don't even care if you chose him as the King of the Gods. What I care is you chose my bashert to be his wife.” The woman said.
“I don't know if  Goddess of Fate is your bashert. If I knew I wouldn't do that. But I couldn't do anything to stop it because I already put my word and I couldn't take it back.” The old man said.
“No. YOU know from the start that she is my bashert in fact all of the gods know she is my bashert but you ignored it because your son wants her.” She said. All the other gods started to whispering, they knew she was right.
“And you know I'm the King of Gods, I can do what ever I want. It's your fault when you refused your throne.” He said.
“Did you forgot who am I? Just because I didn't sit there everyday, doesn't mean I'm not a Ruler. Me and you are Equal in position and Rank. Just because you can create living creatures doesn't mean you are above me. If you didn't change your decision there'll be  war.” She said and left.
After she left the Gods started talking to one another. They knew what she capable of, in fact they knew how powerful she is. She is one of the Ruler after all. She just didn't like to order the other Gods because for her they all are equal. While they were talking the young man were scared.
“Father, what should I do? You know her and how she is.” He said.
“Keep calm Belias. She will not do anything because if there ever be a war in Heaven, we have a lot of angels while she is alone and the Creators not gonna let it happen.” He said.
How wrong he is. Because the day when the ceremony was held, before they said their promise, she appeared with 4 Angels. Angels that no one ever saw before. They have a different color of wings and their sword are different too.
“I told you I will come back and take what's mine.” She said. The Goddess of Fate who were crying because didn't want to married the God that she didn't love were now smiling. She knew her bashert will come to save her. But then with the order of the King of The Gods all the angels surrounded them.
She smirked and gave an ordered to kill all of the angels that block her way. The four unknown angels do as what she said and they all fought with the other angels. There are two angels that team up that almost destroyed the planet where the ceremony was held. All the gods and angels quickly teleported to Eden but unlucky for them they were followed by the Goddess of Wrath and her four angels.
“I'm not gonna let you run away before you give what's mine.” She said looking at the God of War.
“She is mine!” The God of Wrath answered.
“What if we do a duel. Whoever win will have her.” He added.
“Give me your best then son.” She said.
The both of them were dueling with a different purpose. The Goddess of Wrath wants to take whats hers but the God of War want to kill her. The fight were so intense but by the look of it, the Goddess of Wrath didn't use all her power. She still in her usual form while, God of War already in his God form. It was then one swing of the Sword he was defeated. He fall to the ground.
“I'm not going to kill you. I'll just takes what's mine.” She said and walked to Goddess of Fate.
She didn't saw God Of War took his blade and throw it at the Goddess of Fate. It went straight to her heart. The Goddess of Wrath run to the love of her life but she was too late. The blade that he threw were the weapon to kill the immortal. The Goddess of Fate fall to the ground. Slowly she  became pale. Gold liquid came out from the wounds. The Goddess of Wrath was stood like a statue looking at her dying lover.
“Why did you do that, Belias?” She asked whispering.
“She didn't do any wrong to you. Why did you do that?” She added while walked slowly to her dying lover.
“If I can't have her then no one will.” He said.
“I will bring you back. I promise.” She said to the dead body in her lap.
“I would never let you bring her back.” He said but she didn't listened to him.
“From these day onwards, the Gods are My Enemies. One day I will come back and took my throne. Until that day come you can have it, but when the day is come, not a strain of hair of you will left. I will destroy it not even the dust will remain. There is a reason why I was named of Goddess of Wrath today you will see it. Starting this day, there is no place like this anymore. Every time you try to build it, it will be destroy. It will destroy it self.” She said when in a split of second the place was flattened.
Meanwhile in a nowhere, there are a lot of an winged creatures stood around the throne. At the throne sat an old men, in her right sat a young men and in his left side sat another man. The three looks a like but the man at the right looked younger than the two. They saw what had happened.
“Father.” The young man at the right said.
“What is it Son?” The old man in the middle said.
“Are you just gonna let it happen? They are your creation. Are you gonna let them kill each other like that?” He asked.
“Son, I created them and grace them with the Power of Free Will. It's all because of Pride and Envy that made them like that. I created them to guard the universe but they still have a free will. Today you saw effect of envy and pride. It's destroy them. They need to solve it on their own. They are God after all.” The old man said.
“But I heard her pray, she was in pain. She never did something to hurt YOUR heart instead she always tried to please you. And now she is asking for your help. Why couldn't you help her?” The young man said.
“I'm not going to interfere. They chose their path and at the end it was them that created their own destiny.” The old man said.
“But .. .” The young man said.
“Like I told you, I'm not going to interfere.” But then the Man in the left disappeared without saying anything.
The two man that was left didn't say anything instead they just watch what will the other Man do. He arrived at the place where the woman in pain and her angels were. He saw the dead body. The young woman were hold the dead body with tears like a rain. The scene could melt everyone heart, even the devil himself will cried if he saw it.
“You destroy it, eh? Don't you know how hard for me to build it and now it was destroy. It took me six days to create the place and all the living creatures there and you destroy it in a second. Tsk …. tsk….tsk.” He said tried to lighten the mood and announce his present.
Hearing the voice of the intruders everyone were shocked but then bow to the said intruders.
“Creators.” They said.
“I saw what happened. I'm really sorry. If I could turn back time, I will. In fact I can do that but if I'd do that, it's will break the rule that WE created. I know how hurt you are and as strong you are, you couldn't bring her back. It was wrong of us to chose your Brother as one of the Ruler, we knew what will happen but WE Couldn't interfere because WE give you the Power Of Free Will.”
“If you knew what will happen why did you let it?” She asked.
“It was because of the power of free will that we gave it to you. We couldn't control you. You are the one that created your destiny.” He said.
“Then what are you doing here? Just to tell me that? Do you know how much I love her? Of course you do, you know everything. What if I change place with her? Bring her back and take mine instead.” She bargain.
“No. I'm not gonna do that. I've heard your pray and I come to answer it.” He said.
“It's not break the rules because I just answer your answer. I'll bring her back but not right away.” He added.
“There are a place called Earth, Father loves the place because of the rebel human. They didn't know how to be thankful, they always hurt HIM but still HE loved them. Now listen. One day she will reborn in that place, she will not remembered any of this. She will become one of the human. I hope when the time is come you already mend your anger and hurt.” He said and left.
She looked at the body that slowly turned to the small light then it was vanished.
“I'll wait for you.” She said.
Slowly she opened her eyes, it was just a dream. She looked around and she couldn't see anything aside from the glasses wall.
“Where am I?”

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