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I'm So sorry for the delay... But here's another chapter... hope you like it...

Meanwhile in some place in earth there are two figures that were talking.

"So, she's here?" The man asked.

"Yeah. I saw her. She's Alice Cullen." The other man said.

"And what about the Angels? Are they still with them?" The man asked again.

"No. They were not there." The other man answered.

"It's good then. It'll make our job easier without them." The man said.

"Do we make a move now?"

"No. We need to wait." He said and the two figures disappeared.

Back at the Cullen place, the Cullen was enjoying their first family gathering as a half-vampire. They were sat surrounding the kitchen table and enjoying their dinner.

"This food is really delicious." Emmett said.

"So, what you guys think about school?" Carlisle asked.

"I think we need to go back." Edward said.

"Okay then. Tomorrow you guys are going to school." Carlisle said.

"But tomorrow is gonna be sunny." Emmett said.

"Well, we not gonna spark when the sun hit us, so....." Esme said while the children groaned.

The next day they all went to school using Emmett Wrangler and Rose BMW. The boys were at Emmett and the girls were at Rose. Like always all the students' eyes were at the Cullen. The Cullens ignored all the murmurs and went inside.

It was almost two months; the Cullens were living in peace. They were at the school ground when Jasper felt a present of someone.

"There is someone watching us." He said so slowly so only Rose that hears him.

"I text the others." Rose said.

She quickly told her siblings and asked them to meet her at the parking lot. They didn't need to wait for a long time before the rest gathered in the parking lot.

"I felt a present. They were watching us." Jasper said.

"Could you found where are them?" Edward asked.

"No. It's like they know my power and tried to block it." Jasper said.

"I think I know who were watching us." Bree said pointed to the winged figure that was on the sky.

"Shit. It's an angel. We better run." Emmett said when the angels flew to their direction.

The Cullens quickly run to the woods far away from the angels creatures.

"Fuck. He still following." Edward said when he saw the shadow.

"What should we do?" Bree said.

"Keep running. I already informed mom and dad and they will meet us at the baseball field." Rose said.

They kept running until they were at the baseball field in the woods.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked.

"There is an Angels that was following us." Alice said.

"Why they are after us?" Carlisle asked when a figure appeared in front of them.

THE FALLEN ANGEL : THE GREAT WARWhere stories live. Discover now