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The war was long gone. The Cullens and the Fallen Angels were enjoying their time. They were once again playing baseball when suddenly Serah was freeze.
“She's awake but she's weak.” Serah said.
“What do you mean?” The Cullens asked in unison.
“Alice is awake but she's weak.” She said again.
“Alice? Our Alice? Our Future seer Alice is awake?” Bree asked.
“Yeah. She's awake.” Serah said again.
“It's great right?” Jasper asked.
“Yeah.” Her expression betrayed her answer.
“But why you didn't look happy? It's like you didn't want her to wake up.” Rose asked.
“Because she shouldn't wake up now.” Aria said.
“She supposed to wake up when Bella was there. In fact she need Bella to wake her up.” She added
“Don't tell her about what happened, especially don't tell her about Bella and she being Bella bashert. There is a change that Alice didn't remember anything.” Serah panicked.
“What do you mean?” Carlisle asked.
“Alice got Amnesia?” Emmett asked.
“It was a temporary thing.” Aria said.
“Did you erase her memory like us?” Edward asked.
“No. There is a change she didn't remember anything not about you but about us, about Bella. Her memory probably stopped in somewhere before we met.” Serah said.
“How?” Rose asked.
“You see, she was made a contract with Bella. The contract that was forbidden to do while Alice still didn't know that she is Bella bashert. And now with the Absence of Bella, Alice woke up on her own, it's mean there are something that trigger it. She should wake up in Bella present no other way around.” Aria said.
“But you didn't explain that why she couldn't remember you guys?” Bree asked.
“It was Bella power that blocked it.” Serah said.
“Bella still nowhere to be found and her power forbid Alice to remember her.” Serah added after she saw the confused look that the Cullen given her.
“How?” Edward asked.
“Why?” Bree asked.
“I don't know how but they have a history that was forbidden for us to tell. And if Alice remembers Bella there'll be hell to pay. That's why I assumed she lost her memory about Bella completely.” Serah said.
“There is a memory that was locked in Alice mind, it was the forbidden memory. She was save because the locked memory. It's hid her from the past.” Serah said.
“I think we tell you too much. This is will be our goodbye. You need to be aware of Aro, he could come without you expected.” Serah said.
“Your goodbye? You mean you’re not gonna be with us? What about Alice?” Rose asked.
“We will bring her here. But we couldn't be around her. It may trigger the memory that she shouldn't have not when Bella wasn't around. She already woke up because something and our presences I'm afraid will trigger something. Take care of her. Someday we will meet again. Never told her about us.” Serah said.
“But what about us? How do we tell her about the contract?” Rose asked again.
“Don't tell her anything.” Serah said.
“But . . .”
“No, Rose. I know you love her, you all love her and this is the best way. Just save it to yourself.” Serah said.
“We will bring her in your house. Just prepare her room.” Serah said when all of the Fallen Angels disappeared.
The Fallen Angels went back to the cottage in the woods.
“What should we do?” Aria asked.
“She's awake now and Bella is not here. I'm afraid He can detect her. She's wake up on her own for god sake.” Serah said.
“It's better if we release her, we have no other choice.” Arez said.
They then started talking in an odd language and slowly a small crystal appeared in the middle of the pentagram where they stood. Slowly a woman appeared.
“Who are you?” The woman asked.
“You will not remember any of this. This never happen.” Serah said when the women fall asleep.
They quickly bring her to the Cullen house. The Cullens were already waiting in her room. Xavier put her in her bed. All the Fallen Angels bow before her and before they left Serah said something and disappeared.

Sorry for the long wait....  I've been busy lately but I'll try to update as soon as possible....  Enjoy the story and tell me ur opinion about it.... 

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