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I'm sorry for the long wait.... I've been busy with my work lately....

so here's the next chapter..... i hope you guys enjoy it....

The Cullens were waiting in Alice room. They didn't not sleep for a night, neither of them dare to flicked their eyes, they were waiting for Alice whose been asleep for a night long and she still didn't not woke up and it's almost dust.

"Are you sure she's already wake up and just asleep?" Emmett asked emphasis the last word.

"Well, they said she just asleep. So...." Edward said.

"Carlisle maybe you need to check on her again." Emmett said again.

"I did it twice today and her vital indicate she is alright." Answered the patriarch of the family.

"Maybe they lied to us. They just want to get away from their responsibility and told us that Alice is awake." Emmett said again.

"They wouldn't do such a thing. I knew you were worried and so do us. Just wait a little, okay?" Esme said patting Emmett shoulder.

"I just worried. That's all." The bear-like half vampire said.

"I know what to do." Bree said when she disappeared and came back with a guitar.

"Isn't that mine?" Jasper asked.

"Yups. You know how much she hates when I played this thing?" Bree asked.

"Because you couldn't played it right." Edward said remembered the time when Bree play it and Alice quickly stormed out of her room, went to Bree room took the guitar and brought it to Jasper room, but not before threatening the youngest member to cut her finger if she ever play it again.

"In fact you couldn't play it. You have no sense of music in your bone." Edward added.

"Well, what if I play it? Maybe she will listen and be annoyed and wake up." The Youngest Cullen said and started strumming the guitar and played the out of tune notes.

"Bree stopped it please." Rose said closed her ears with her hands.

"But it will wake her." Bree said kept playing.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hearing the voice all eyes quickly went to Rose and Bree stopped playing.

"Rosie, I know you didn't like it but no need to be rude." Bree said.

"It wasn't me." Rose said confused.

"Bree how many times do I have to tell you to stop playing that thing? And why all of you are in my room?" The voice said. All eyes turned to the body at the bed and gasped while the youngest Cullen gave them the I told you so face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my clothes? Don't tell me it's ugly." She said.

"Of course it's the first thing that you remember. Your clothes." Edward said when Rose and Bree jumped to the bed and holds the future seer tight, very tight.

"You two, I can't breathe." She said.

"What happened with all of you?" She asked.

"No. We just miss you." Bree said.

"Why you missed me? Did I go somewhere I didn't know? But that Impossible." She asked confused.

"We just missed you." Esme said and hold the girl.

Truth they didn't talked about the story to cover about what happened with them. They were too busy waiting for Alice to wake up and forget to talk about their cover.

"Okay. So, where is the other?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Carlise asked.

"You know, the Fallen Angels? Silver hair, blue eyes?" She asked looked at them confused.

"Serah, Xavier and the Crazy twins Arez and Aria. Ring a bell?" She asked.

"What? You remember them?" Bree asked when Rose quickly slapped the youngest head for her bluntness.

"Of Course I remember them. We supposed to make a contract with them." She said with a duh tone while everyone looked at each other with a confused expression. This is not what supposed to happen at least not like what the fallen Angels told them.

"What do you remember about the contract?" Carlise asked.

"Well, you guys drink something and then I pass out. Did I make a contract?" She asked.

"Yeah. You made a contract and now we are half Vampire. We could eat human food but still we need blood but not as much as before." Edward said.

"Cool. I can finally taste that thingy thing that Bree always eat." She exclaimed.

"It's not thingy it called pancake." The youngest protest.

"So, why you all are here?" She asked again, they looked at each other didn't know what to say until Bree opened her mouth.

"Actually you got into accident. You were too happy when you became half vampire and went shopping by yourself outside the city and then you got into accident. Your car hit something that make it rolled back and you were unconscious. The car was wrecked; we thought your going to die. Since you were half Vampire it's took time for you to heal." She said. The youngest member just modified her story when she was kidnapped and made it Alice story. Everyone were relieve because they couldn't think of a better story.

"Oh. I don't remember it." She said.

"So, where's the others?" She asked again.

"I thought she forgot about it." Emmett whispered.

"You know I can hear you right?" She said again.

"So?" She added waiting for an answered.

"They left. They said they have mission to do so they left, but they said they'll be back when the mission is done." Bree said.


All people at the room were hope that they'll be back soon. There are a lot of question they need to ask. The question about Alice.

"So, what's your name?" Bree asked.

"Why did you ask me that?" She said.

"Well, according to the doctor procedure, after the crash the first question that should be asked are, your name, your age and what did you remember, right dad? But since we already move to the third question, now I'm asking the first question, what is your name?" Bree asked.

"You crazy. You think I'll forget my own name?" She asked laughing.

"No. Just to make sure that you still my sister. Who knew after the crash you became something crazy or worst your soul got accidentally exchange with other. I mean who knew what happened after your crash, you've been sleeping like a coma Patient at the hospital. Maybe your soul was traveling and other people soul came and took your body." Bree said.

The other was quiet since Bree opened her mouth and explained the crash. Each word that came from her mouth was unexpected and clever. Who knew at the time like this she used her brain? They couldn't think something afraid to tell her the truth and here the youngest Cullen talking with her seer like it was nothing. Like she has nothing to worry about, or maybe that they were the one that over thinking all of this.

They were waiting for the future seer to answer the clever girl question. The future seer looked at them while shaking her head.

"Of course, I remember my name. My name is . . . ." She looked around and the expressions almost make her laugh.

"Why you all looking at me like that? Of course I remember my name. Just because I've been in the car crash doesn't mean I can forgot my own name." The future seer said.

"Then tell me, what is your name?" Bree asked.

"My name is Faith."

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