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The Cullens couldn't believe what's in front of their eyes. The Fallen Angels win the war but there still something, Alice. Where is her? After the tortured from Belial to revoke the memories that was erased all the Cullens now wondering where is Alice. They didn't have time to ask before because of the war but now after the war is over, they need to know where is she and why Belial wanted her. And who is her? The one that Belial wanted to kill. And there is a name that pop in their mind while their memories were revoke. Bella. It's the name that they couldn't forget but couldn't remember the person.
They were waiting inside the house. Each of them has a lot of question that need an answered. Then one by one the Fallen Angels entered the house. The Cullens couldn't wait and started asking questions.
“Where is Alice?” It's the first question that comes from their mouth.
The Fallen Angels looked at the half Vampire. Then motion them to take a seat.
“I know you guys have a lot of question, we will answer it one by one. So, who’s going first?” Arez asked.
“Where is Alice?”
“What happen to her?”
Edward and Jasper asked in unison.
“What happen with one question? But okay I can answer that. Let's started from when you guys make a deal with us. It was the last memories that you have with Alice right?” Arez asked when they all nodded.
“Well, after you guys make a contract with us, Alice made a contract with our Princess. It's shouldn't be in that way but our Princess was so stubborn and for our defense we didn't know it too.” He added.
“Trust me it'll be alright.” Aria said with a smile. Each of the Cullens took a sip of the blood and right after that they were screaming in pain.
“Oh my god, what happened with them?” Alice said.
“The process already starts. They will be alright.” Princess said.
“Now shall we?” She added holding a blade.
Alice took a blade and cut her hands and let her blood dropped in the glass. Bella did the same and in the view second there were a smoked covers them. Its looks like they were inside the storm. The marked in her hips started to spread.
This is crazy. She did know that she couldn't showed Alice her Angels form and she wanted to be the one to make a contract with her? Did she know the consequences? Of course she knew. Michael already told her that she needs to let us do the things. But it's not her if she wasn't stubborn.  Stubborn as hell.  Her eyes were in the shade of fire with a lightning blue line in there. Aria quickly called some angels and told them to bring the almost dying bodies in the living room to the Fallen Angels house and took care of them. The four Angels quickly change to their Angels form and waited. Bella didn't even changed and her eyes already in that form. No one knew what her plan is.
Serah who saw this took a step and talked to Bella in Angel’s language of course. But they knew whatever they said couldn't change her mind, so the talking went to zero.  They already on their Angels form, just in case something happened. Since the talking not working they saw her turned to her angels form. She already half way there since her eyes were different.
They saw Michael; He was stood not too far from them with not so happy expression. He looked at them but only one that bow, Xavier.  Alice looked at Bella wrist at the shining bracelet. Oh it's starting already. Bella was in pain.
“Bella are you insane?”  Michael said.
“This is none of your business.” The only answered that come out from Bella mouth.
“Bella, stop. I told you to never show your angels form in front of your bashert when she still didn't accept you.” Michael said.
“Just let your angels do the contract with her.” Michael said.
“And let them claim her? You do know it's not going to work. If she wants to make a contract, I should be the one that do it.” She said stubbornness.
“You can always revoke the contract and make a new one. You do know you were more powerful than them. Just let it be for now and then when she accepts you, you can revoke, cancel or whatever you want to do with the contract. Just for now.” Michael said. For this time there is no anger, he said it soft full of care.
Bella didn't say anything instead she changed to another form. The four looked at each other and then looked at Michael. There is a horror in his eyes. The Fallen Angels showed the same horror in their eyes. They should've known it from the start, when she told them that they can turn them to human. She planned this.
“I'm Sorry.” That's all she said to Alice.
Michael quickly flew to Bella but he was too late Bella were already in front of Alice Kissing her.  The four just stood there not moving. Then in second Bella was yanked from Alice by Michael and then Alice pass out. Bella were back to human form but her eyes weren’t. Her bracelets were still shining and the mark that weren't there were now full on her body. Michael stood behind her, holding her. She was passing out.
“You guys take care of her. Like you already know, she'll need Bella to wake up but I'm not gonna let Bella roaming around especially after what happened. They will look for her and I need to hide her, and make all of this mark go. It maybe just for a second but I bet they already felt her. I'm not going to take any risk. What ever happened you need to take care of her and I'll send some back up if you need it. Just hope I can't make them believe me.” Michael said and dragged the unconscious Bella away.
“Why she need to be stupid like that.” Arez said.
“If they feel her, we are going into another war.” Xavier said.
“She's been in a good cover and now she just blew it off.” Aria said clearly frustrated.
“I mean the reason is to keep Alice out from any dangers and now she just put her in more dangers. I hope that those crazy Elders and kings believe Michael. If not, it's not gonna end well.” She added.
“Well, like you say, we need to keep her out from any dangers so, the best things to do is went back home and do what we supposed to do.” Serah said.
We do what Serah said and went back home.
“And that's what happened.” Arez said.
“So Alice is alright?” Rose asked.
“Yeah. She is alright. She’s just asleep.” Xavier said.
“And who is Bella?” Esme asked.
“I couldn't remember her.” She added.
“Bella is our Princess and Alice bashert or well mate in Vampire case.” Aria said.
“So, we ever met her?” Emmett asked.
“Oh, we still locked the memories of Bella. Xavier can you release it?” Aria asked when Xavier nodded.
He started talking in strange language, the Cullen started feeling dizzy then like they were struck by lightning, and they remember all the memories about Bella and Alice. They remembered the silver hair girl that always smile at them and that made their dreams come true.
“Oh My God, It feels like shit.” Bree said.
“Language, young lady.” Esme complained.
“Sorry Mom.”
“So now everything is clear. Another question, why Belial wanted to kill her? And Why He needs Alice to kill Bella?” Carlisle asked.
“Well, as Arez told you Bella bashert is Alice and since Bella wasn't here, he wanted to use Alice to call her.” Aria said.
“Why he wanted to kill Bella though?” Emmett asked.
“Well, there are rule that were prevailing in Heaven and Hades. It was the first son that will always get the Birthright. The birthrights mean the one who carried the family name and inherited all the good things that the family owned. Lucifer has 4 Children and Belial was the first Son of Lucifer it means that he gets the birthright. But Lucifer didn't think like that. He didn't want Belial to get the throne because of Belial personality. Lucifer knew that once he get the throne he will get rid all of the angels that was loyal to his father and kill all his siblings.  Belial knew he didn't inherit the throne. Also he knew that in order get the throne and be the King he need to obliterate his siblings that he think has more change than him. But Bella didn't interest in the throne or the crown, instead she chose to stay away from the Palace and its craziness. ” Arez said.
“That's why he wanted to kill Bella because Bella was a threat for him.” Carlisle said.
“You right.” Xavier said.
“You said Lucifer has 4 children, who’s the latest one?” Jasper said.
“It's Princess Hanna. Actually she was the first born but didn't inherit the birthright because she was a woman. Princess Hannah didn't have any interest with the throne; she was more into her experiment. She was the one that created the were-creatures and shape shifters. And she wasn't leave in the palace either; she has her owned hiding place that only Bella knows.”
“You mean we are her creature?” Esme asked.
“No. You all are pure Aro.  Aro was another son of Lucifer. Apparently he has a relationship with a human and the said woman pregnant with immortal children. We didn't know about it until Lucifer told us and asked us to get rid of his illegitimate son that started to ruin his plan.” Xavier said.
“Wait you mean, Aro was Lucifer son?” Emmett asked.
“Illegitimate son.”
“And Aro and his follower run away at the war, so you need to be careful, they might be plotting something against you.” Serah said.

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