chapter 4

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Alina sat inside the large tent

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Alina sat inside the large tent. There were three cots stationed down the middle and metal drawers placed in every corner.
Ajax had given Alina the chills, even though she didn't like to admit it.
He was well over six foot and must have weight a couple hundred pounds, all of it muscle. He didn't wear a shirt, although Alina didn't think she would either if she had his bulk build. He was quite attractive for how old he was, judging by the crows feet at his eyes and the scruff on his face.
Alina watched as he stood over by a drawer, the clinking of metal on metal filling the room.
Alina shifted in the cot, sitting upright as Ajax sauntered over, tweezers and a cloth in his hand. Alina's eyes widened slightly as she squirmed. Ajax chuckled.
"It will only hurt a bit," he assured. His voice was so deep Alina could feel it vibrate through her body.
"You better hope," she muttered at him. Ajax raised an eyebrow, amused.
"So how did this happen? Where are your shoes and who the hell is your tailor?" He laughed. Alina looked down at her oversized tunic again.
"I'm a guard, I was on duty, shit happens," was her reply.
"You're quite feisty for such a little thing, aren't you?" Ajax commented. Alina let out a breath."Sorry, it's been a long day, and you sitting there holding those isn't making me feel any more comfortable," she said.
"Apologies," Ajax sighed as he took hold of her foot with unexpected gentleness. He brushed the damp cloth over her foot lightly, clearing away the dirt caking her feet. He pulled the drawer closer to the bed and dipped the cloth into the bowl of water. The water instantly turned a murky brown. Ajax propped her foot on his bulky leg and began to wash the other one.
Once they were both clean he grabbed her right one and put in a sort of head lock.
"What are you doing?" She asked as he tightened his grip around it.
"I don't want you kicking and squirming while I try to get these out or trust me, you will have bigger problems," he warned.
"I can handle it," she huffed. Ajax scoffed and prodded at her foot with the point of the tweezers. Alina cringed as it tickled her. Ajax pushed the tweezers in and Alina jerked slightly. Ajax looked over his shoulder at her and she shrugged her shoulders. When he turned back around Alina mouthed a silent scream. He was prodding and poking and digging into her foot. Ajax gave a little tug and Alina bit her lip to keep from making a sound.
Ajax placed a tiny stone onto the metal drawer next to him. Alina looked at it, it was so tiny she could barely make it out from where she sat. If there were any bigger ones then she was in for a ride. Ajax readjusted her foot and continued to pull out little stones and splinters. When it came to the area around her toes,that was where she let out a yelp. There was a stone stuck right between two of her toes and it was burried deep. Ajax scratched at it with the tweezers, making her squirm. She could feel the stone move around in her skin, scratching againts her bare flesh.
"So what is your thoughts on the moon and the stars?" Ajax asked her. He was trying to keep her distracted.
"I don't get out much, so I don't know what's going on, just that they disappeared," she replied. Ajax stuck the tweezers deep into her foot. Alina gritted her teeth.
"All magic is gone," he informed her. Alina looked at the back of his head.
"How?" She asked. Ajax glanced back at her.
"Are you a mortal or immortal? " he asked. Change if subject.
"A mortal I think, I've never had magic," she replied as she looked down at her lap.
"Most guards are mortals, which I find rather strange because if there was an attack you'd think they would use more powerful beings so they stood a chance at winning," he rambled and then gave the stone another small tug.
Alina coughed to cover up her grunt of pain.
"Are you a mortal?" She asked. Ajax smiled slightly.
"No, I'm a healer. My father wanted me to be a blacksmith or a soldier but I turned it down." He explained. Alina nodded.
"Since magic is gone I can't heal your wounds quickly, so I will give you an old lotion of mine," he said.
Alina thanked him and sat back a bit as he gave the stone a final tug and it came free. Alina p anted slightly and bit her tongue to take the pain away from her foot. Holy gods that sting like a bitch. Ajax wiped at it with the cloth, her wound stinging.
"We have a lot more where that came from," he mused. Alina laid down with a grunt. Gods help her.

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