chapter 5

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Alina walked back into the tent, patting her damp hair with a towel

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Alina walked back into the tent, patting her damp hair with a towel. Ajax had been kind enough to let her clean up in his own tent because- "They won't let you join the hunt looking like your homeless."
Alina had changed into the blue dress she was handed earlier. It fit her well, a little big around the waist area but it wasn't all that noticable to anyone else. Alina sat on the edge of a cot and looked at herself in the oval morror across from her.
She looked tired, she felt tired. She had bags under her eyes, her cheekbones were sunken in a bit, her once silver eyes now a dull grey.
She looked like a prisoner, not a guard.
A guard would have been well fed, have a fuller figure from training.Not this.
Alina looked away from the mirror and set the damp towel by her side.
A second later Ajax waltzed back in, a grin on his face.
"Alina, this is my son, Icarus," he announced as someone else walked in behind him.
He was not what she was expecting at all.
He was...scrawnyer. Not that he wasn't muscular but he was lean. He had a head of silky hair, slightly curly, accompanied by glasses. At least he had some scruff to man himself up a bit but other than that he looked rather nerdy, but she had to admit, he did have some of his dad's good looks. Maybe if Ajax wasn't his father then he would look more buff but the guy stood no chance next to him.
"Hello," Icarus said as he offered her a hand.
Alina stood from the cot and leaned over to shake his hand with her own. The man had callouses, he must be in the labour industry, which didn't really suit his appearance.
"Hi," she replied before they let go.
"Icarus here is a very smart boy, aren't you son?" Ajax said with a slap to his sons back. Icarus grunted at the impact.
"I'm an inventor," he said rather bashfully. Now, an inventor sounded about right.
"Interesting, what have you, um, invented?" Alina asked with a nervous smile towards Ajax. Wow her people skills just flew right out of the tent.
"Well for one, the boat we are about to go on, and two, I've built half this damn town," he smirked.
Alina's eyes danced as she sent back a wicked smirk."Is that so?"
Icarus smiled and put his head down. "You don't look like the guard type, but your personality certainly implies," he said.
Alina raised her brows and looked to Ajax. "Well, I see where he gets his sassyness, I think we'll get along rather nicely," she grinned.
Ajax bellowed in laughter and once again hit Icarus on the back." Right, I'll let you take it from here son, be back by Friday and be careful, she might get even crazier," he said with a chuckle. "And Alina.I'm sure I will meet you again, very soon, and do me a favour," he said. Alina turned her attention back to him. "Give me some of that money when you get it," he winked.
"You wish," she shot back but breathed out a laugh.Alina smiled and waved farewell to Ajax as he walked out the tent.
"Right, we should go, it will take about three days to travel to Chapel City," Icarus said as he picked up the large duffle bag on the floor. Alina stood and looked around. She didn't have anything to take with her except the sword she took from the dead guard back at the overhang. She picked it up from its place next to the bed. Blood still stained the blade. It had gone a more burgundy colour now that it had dried and been left for a while. Alina smiled at it. She felt weird that death exited her, but if she was honest, it was more to do with revenge.
"Hey, less crazy please," Icarus called from the tents entrance. Alina shot back a sinister smile.
"You're quite sassy for a nerd," she said. Icarus rolled his eyes at her, a slight lift of his arms.
"I'm not a nerd," he protested. Alina looked him up and down.
"So what was that that you just took off the drawer?" She asked with a knowing smile. Icasus glanced at the book in his hand which slowly edged behind his back.
"Shut up," he huffed and walked out the tent. Alina laughed behind him.

Icarus and Alina walked into the town centre and Icarus showed her some of the buildings and carts he had designed and built for the town and it's people

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Icarus and Alina walked into the town centre and Icarus showed her some of the buildings and carts he had designed and built for the town and it's people. Alina,frankly, did listen to every word he said. Icarus talked in a way that had you hanging on to every word and actually made you question things you would never usually care about. Alina thought he was going to be quite boring and just want to talk about intellectual things but she actually quite enjoyed his company so far.
They came to the town centre to see a gigantic statue in the middle. It was of a woman standing with her arms outstretched, a star above her breast where her heart was. The woman was beautiful. She had her eyes closed with a smile across her face, raised to the sky.
"My finest creation," Icarus said from beside her.
"You did that?" She asked in awe.
Icarus nodded. "That's the Lost Princess," he explained.
"Wasn't she like, seven?" She asked.
"Yes, but this is how I think she would look like now, it's my own vision," he told her.
"Fair, she is beautiful though," she admitted.
Icarus huffed a laugh. "Her story has always been my favourite," he said.
"Do you think she's alive?" Alina didn't know exactly what she thought about the girls story. If she was kidnapped then surely the kidnappers would have asked for a randsom and if not, the girl was probably dead or far far away by now.
"Of course, the North Star is her heart, up until the stars were stolen the North Star was still there. That's the only reason people still have hope around here," Icarus said.
"Hmm." Alina watched the Princess as she walked by and headed over to a stall with the word 'contributions' written on the sign above.
Icarus pulled out a small pouch of coins.
"Oh Icarus no, you don't have to-"
"Well what are you going to pay with? A cheeky wink and a smile? Take it," he said and handed her the pouch. Well that was her told.
"Well, I don't feel guilty about it now," she huffed sarcasticly and walked up to the stall.
She returned a few minutes later with a grin on her face.
"That money is mine," she purred. Icarus chuckled as he led her down another pathway.
"You have a lot of faith in yourself, don't you?" He asked.
"Well no one else does," she replied. And it was true. No one knew her. And if she was honest, she didn't even know herself.
"I believe the Princess is alive but doesn't want to be found. I mean she's a legend, a story around a campfire. She's left a Mark on this world and if she were to return now, then what? No one would tell the story of her being back, it would be good for the first while but then it would die down and so would she. All of us are trying to leave our marks on the world and shes done just that," he finished.
"And what is your mark going to be, Icarus?" Alina asked as they turned a corner which stretched out into the docks.
The most beautiful boat Alina had ever seen rocked right in front of her.
"My mark will be my beautiful creations," he beamed.
The boat was beautiful. It was the perfect size for the two of them to have seperate quarters to sleep in and to walk about during the day. The woodwork was so careful, so detailed it must have taken months. The boat was decorated in swirls and stars, small roses spotted about.
The front was the real centre piece. There was a crown carved into the boat, the words 'Lady Of Starlight'  written above it in such delecate writing.
"Icarus-" The words had caught in her throat.
"All aboard," he said with a smirk and headed towards the docks.

Sorry for the short chapter, I've been quite busy for the past few days, so guys please give this story a vote or a comment so I know you guys actually enjoy and would like me to write more xx

Shout out to LJLaFleur for being such a good friend and for voting for my book and giving me a confidemce boost and making me want to continue❤

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