Chapter 4 A Friendly Nudge

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You watched as Jack and Raf played video games. You hoped that this Miko would like you better than your guardian Wheeljack did. Since he got assigned to you he has completely ignored you. You have tried asking simple questions to break the ice. You have tried to ask moral breaking questions to try and engage an intelligent conversation about the fabric of being to see if that was more of what he liked to talk about, but still nothing. It made you really upset that he wouldn't even give you a chance to be his friend but to be honest you didn't blame him. You weren't that great, just a loser trying to get by and have a good time with friends. You stared at the stubborn white bot as you heard tires and metal music come closer. You looked to the entrance as Bulkhead entered the room. A girl with black hair tips dyed pink in pigtails exits Bulkhead's alt. mood rocking out to whatever song was playing. Soon the song stopped and bulkhead transformed into his normal mood and walked over to Wheeljack. They started to talk and laugh which caused you to sigh, as the girl who you presumed was Miko came up to the loft you sat at.

"Oh, you must be the new human that Bulk talked about! Do you like to draw? Oh, do you like metal? Do you like going on crazy adventures?" The girl ran towards you as she bombarded with questions. You nervously chuckled as you introduced yourself and answered her questions. Once that had passed your eyes wandered over towards Wheeljack as he lobbed that ball of scrap from earlier at Bulkhead, you sighed at this. "Hey (f/n), what's wrong, you seem down," Miko asked as she watched you. "Oh, I'm sorry it's just that Wheeljack is my guardian and I would really like to be friends with him. Or at the very least get to know more about him, but he won't even give him the time of day" As you told the girl at your side you watched as the two bots lob their ball and have a great time. Miko thought for a second and then called Bulkhead over. With that Bulkhead came over when he got the chance to. "Hey Bulk, you should help (f/n) and Wheeljack become friends. She really wants to get to know him but he won't talk to her" Miko said to Bulkhead as he nodded and called Wheeljack over.

As the other bot approached you started to fidget as you weren't sure what the other two were planning to do to try and get you and Wheeljack to become friends. "Hey Bulk, need something," Wheeljack asked as he came closer. "Not really Jackie I just thought we could talk with Miko and (f/n)" Bulkhead answered Wheeljack. This caused Wheeljack to glance at you and he shrugged. "Sure I'm always willing to talk to my fellow wreckers" he responded as he leaned back against the wall near the loft. "Um...Is it okay if I ask, what's a wrecker?" Your nervous energy affected the words that spilled out of your mouth. At your question, both of the bots chuckled and Wheeljack was the one to respond. "Wreckers were a unit of bots in the war that did the jobs that nobody else wanted to do. We don't call for backup," Bulkhead finished Wheeljack. "We call for clean up" both of the bots laughed at the statement and smiled. The sight made you happy, even if it took Bulkhead to help you talk to Wheeljack and find out more about him. As well as the sight of the old war buddies being happy was a sweet sight. The conversation between the four of you continued until Miko had to go home. Bulkhead and Miko left you and Wheeljack, when they did silence fell between the two of you. It was surprisingly comfortable that was until Wheeljack broke the silence with a question. 

"So do you have any family" he looked to me and was surprised to see a smile plastered to my face. It made me so happy that Wheel jack was actually talking to me on his own now. "Yeah, I do, though it's just me and my father right now. I use to have an older brother he recently passed in a car crash. My mom also passed away from a heart attack about six months ago" thinking about them made the smile disappear from my face and a silence again fell between me and Wheeljack. "I'm sorry for your lose," with that he got up from the wall he was leaning against and transformed into his alt. mode. "Now let's get you home unless you want to walk," he said as you climbed down from the loft and entered the open car. The whole way home a comfortable silence filled the space between the two of you other than your directions to Wheeljack. Once you were finally home you got out of Wheeljack and thanked him for the ride before he zoomed off. You stood in front of the silent cave of the drunken beast, the place you call home. You slowly opened the door and entered silently.

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