Chapter 11 When she is in Pain

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Wheeljack stared at the curled up ball on the couch. You had been like this all day only grunting or groaning in response, it greatly worried the giant mech. But when Ratchet called nurse Darby and she simply asked period and you had nodded in response. Ratchet told nurse Darby which she simply chuckled and said that you would be fine in a few days then hung up with no explanation. Nobody knew what to do to help you so they had continued on with their day as if nothing was wrong for the most part. Wheeljack had tried to do the same but seeing you in such a state tore his spark into bits. You had not gone to school due to the pain you were in and was dying to try and help. But the best he could do was stand by and stare at you hoping you would ask him to do something for you to help make you feel better.

The other kids finally arrived and Wheeljack hoped that Miko being the other human female of the group, would have some answers as to what was happening to you. As soon as the human wrecker stepped outside of Bulkhead's alt. mode the worried bot bombarded her with questions. "Miko please help (f/n) is in pain. Do you know why she is? How can I help? Is there anything I can do to help?" Bulkhead had never seen Wheeljack nervous or even worried. The thought that you had softened the hard outer shell of the wrecker warmed bulkhead's spark. "Woah, Woah, Woah, slow down there Wheeljack! Alright did you call Mrs. Darby" Miko asked as she walked towards the human loft. "Yeah, and she simply said something about a period. What even is a period?" the wrecker was so confused he just wanted to help you. Miko didn't answer as she strolled her way over to your curled up form on the couch. "Hey, there (f/n) can I get you anything? How about a heating pad, some chocolate, and a movie" Miko questioned the form on the couch. You looked up to the girl tears slightly streaming down your face. "Some ibuprofen or painkillers for that matter would be great," you said as you wiped the tear away. "That bad huh," you nodded in response "Are your cramps normally this bad" the rocker questioned as you shook your head. "Well me and Bulk are off then we'll be back in a while," Miko told you as she padded you softly on the back and ran towards Bulkhead. "Hey, can I go instead I need to help her," Wheeljack said looking to Miko. "You know how you can help her? By comforting her, trying stroking her back or petting her hair. Knowing that your here might be the best thing for her right now" with that Miko and Bulkhead rushed out of the base to get you the much-needed supplies.

Wheeljack was unsure of Miko's advice, he was afraid of hurting you further or making the situation worse for you. But he would be damned if he didn't try. Following Miko's ideas, he started to stroke your form with a comparatively large finger. It was very awkward to do let alone witness. But your body relaxed and you looked up to the large bot a weak smile on your face. You looked completely drained, your hair was a mess and dark circles plagued the area under your eyes even more than normal. But even if you looked like a mess and felt ugly Wheeljack still thought you looked beautiful. "Hey there gorgeous. I'm sorry you feel like scrap" Wheeljack paused for a second avoiding your eyes. "Is there anything I can do to help you feel better" Wheeljack meet your eyes but you shook your head a small smile on your face. Wheeljack looked away from you again, you grabbed his finger to get his attention. "Wheeljack this is enough, thank you for being here for me" Wheeljack meet your eyes again and a small smile came to rest upon his face hearing your words to him. You laid back down in your curled position again trying to ignore your pain by focusing on the sensation of Wheeljack's finger running over your form. "(f/n)" Ratchet called your name, you meet his optics before he continued. "Would you like it if Wheeljack could possibly shrink to your size?" Ratchet asked trying to help distract you from the pain causing your eyes widened. "I would love that Ratchet. Did you find out a way to shrink you guys to our size" you asked as excitement filled your system now forgetting your pain. "No not quite yet, but I have been thinking about it and wanted the opinion of someone who was in a close relationship with one of us." with that Ratchet went back to work on whatever he was working on and you looked towards Wheeljack. "Oh my god! Wheeljack you might actually get to be my size one day" your eyes gleamed with joy at the idea of being able to give your guardian a proper hug. The mech chuckled at your enthusiasm "Yeah that's a pretty cool idea." Silence fell on to the room and the color and joy drained from your face as your pain returned. You resumed your fetal position on the couch as Wheeljack commenced petting you again.

Miko finally returned with the requested objects as she said she would. She gently handed you the bag that was filled with more goodies then you asked for. You searched the contents of the bag to see what Miko had been so kind to get you as she found an outlet and plugged in the heating pad and handed it to you along with a bottle of water. You quickly accepted both objects as you found the painkillers Miko had bought, took four and put the heating pad on your aching body. Miko put in the movie she had rented for the occasion and went to make popcorn. The movie finally got to the menu and you saw that it was the 'Princess Bride'. You looked to Miko a look of confusion on your face not expecting the movie choose. "It's a great movie for when your sick" at Miko's answer you laughed and then went to a semi-curled position with your head towards Miko so you could see the T.V. but share the popcorn with her. Despite all of the pain you were in, you felt truly loved and thankful to have such great friends as you, Miko, Wheeljack, and Bulkhead watched the movie.

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