Chapter 5 His Baby

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It had been a week since Wheeljack became your guardian and you were loving it. It was so much fun when you actually got to talk with him. The only thing that you would change is the fact that you only really get to talk to him when Bulk is involved with the conversation other than that you never talk to Wheeljack otherwise. You have tried to get him to talk when it's just the two of you but he either doesn't respond or it's just a sentence or two. You were in the human loft thinking of ways to get Wheeljack to talk to you without Bulkhead, but so far you weren't having much luck. 

"Hey (f/n), what are you thinking about" Miko yelled at you surprising you. You laughed at how well Miko had scared you and answered. "I'm just trying to think of ways to get Wheeljack to have conversations with me without Bulkhead being involved." Bulkhead overheard you and Miko talking and decided to join in. "Well, why don't you try asking about The Jackhammer" Bulkhead added. "Um... okay but what is the jackhammer? Cause I'm pretty sure it isn't a giant jackhammer that Wheeljack rides around on" as you said this an image of Wheeljack riding a giant Jackhammer came to mind and you wrote it down as a future drawing idea as you started to Laugh. "I'll let Jackie explain that to you. Just know that it's his baby and he loves it more than anything in the world" Bulkhead responded between fits of laughter probably thinking the same thing you were. You, Bulkhead, and Miko continued to talk and trade funny ideas, you ended up writing down a few so that you could possibly draw them at a later point. Soon though Wheeljack showed up and you called him over so he could talk about this jackhammer of his.

"Hey Wheeljack, Bulkhead was telling me about something called The Jackhammer and he told me to ask you. So would you mind telling me about it" you questioned him as a light grew into the mech's eyes. "Yeah I would love to show you and tell you about it" he lowered his hand towards you an invite to hop on. You looked at the open palm and slowly entered it. It's not that you didn't trust Wheeljack it's just that this was the first time he held you in his hand. With you comfortably in his hand, he went to the bot elevator and was raised upwards. Soon you came to a stop and you saw what looked like a spaceship your eyes lit up in excitement. Wheeljack went over to the ship and with his other hand, he pointed to it. "This is The Jackhammer and it's my baby." You looked up at the mech's face and started to climb up his arm until you were on his shoulder. "Is this okay? Cause if it isn't I can," Wheeljack cut you off. "Your fine darling" at the pet name your face turned a bright crimson and you looked towards the ground. He chuckled at your reaction as he started to talk about The Jackhammer. You looked up and watched as he took a panel off of the side to show some of the inner workings of his prized possession. Most of what he said went over your head but you tried to understand and even asked questions about the mechanics of the ship. The two of you spent hours talking about the ship and how it worked. Well, actually you more of listened to Wheeljack ramble on about it but it was nice to know that he was finally warming up to you. You stopped looking at the ship at one point and started to watch his face. You loved his smile and the look in his eyes as he told about the many times The Jackhammer had saved his life and how he had to pretty much rebuild it many more times then he probably should have to. 

As you watched and listened to Wheeljack you realized something, at some point in the week you had fallen for the wrecker. The thought made you start to panic and feel disheartened. One he was a cybertronian and probably wouldn't want anything to do with you romantically and or sexually. Second, he is way out of your league, he is a badass warrior who doesn't need any girl dragging him down. Wheeljack finally looked to you realizing that he had lost you to the thoughts that swarmed your mind. He could tell that whatever plagued your mind was seriously bothering you. "Hey, do you want to see the inside" Wheeljack hoping to drag you out of the seeming hell that was your own mind. "Huh, what did you say I'm sorry; I wasn't paying attention" you responded Wheeljack simply chuckled and walked over to one of the landing gears and pressed a button. A door opened in the bottom of the ship and you and Wheeljack entered.

As we entered I saw two huge chairs and some monitors like the ones back in the base but blue. They cast the room in a gentle blue glow that was calming.  I turned around as I heard the door latch closed. Wheeljack chuckled as he also turned around, he walked toward the wall and a seemingly invisible door opened to reveal what was seemingly his room. The floor was covered in clutter which was a mix of what I think was war trophies and gadgets of Wheeljack's creation, some failed and some a success but still cast aside. The only spots where you could see the floor were the lanes that Wheeljack had made as to be able to move through his sea of junk without stepping on something. "So what do you think of it" Wheeljack questioned me as my eyes wandered everywhere taking every detail I could in, in case this was the only time I would be allowed in here. "It's incredible, we don't have anything like this here on Earth" I stated as Wheeljack started to walk over to a work table that was carved into the wall. "Here, I made this for you. It's in case you want to get onto The Jackhammer but there isn't a bot around to help you" he said as he handed me something similar to a garage door opener. "Thanks Wheeljack, it means a lot to me that you thought of me" I smiled and accepted the device as he gently smiled and handed to me. "Well, how good of a guardian would I be if you couldn't even get to me if you need me. Now come on let's get back to the others" he said as he started to head back to the main room of the base.

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