Chapter 9 Freedom

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I was dropped off into the backyard of the place that was more of a prison than a home. I opened the back slider door not caring who heard. I was done with the pain that the monster I called my father inflicted on me. Wheeljack was right no one deserved to be abused, even if it felt like I did. As I entered the house I loudly closed the door behind me letting my father know I was home. He entered the room I was in, this was the time that I was going to face one my most damning demons.

"(f/n) where the fuck have you been" the monster in front of me asked. I could smell the alcohol from where I stood across the room. "I've been with people who actually care about me" I spat at him, he took a step back as if it hit him. He soon staggered forward as he raised his hand to hit me I caught his fist in my hand. "Don't even try it, I only came here to say I'm leaving. I'm done with you making me feel like I don't deserve the air I breathe or the space I take up. I have made mistakes but I don't think I would go back and change any of it. If it weren't for those mistakes I wouldn't have found the place that I now call home. I have made friends that I never thought that I would and I am so thankful for them. I know that this is just a stepping stone on feeling better but it's a step in the right direction," with that said I let go of his hand and moved out of the room to my bedroom and grabbed the things that I would need.

I was about to head out of my room a bag full of essentials and a bag full of things to pass the time. When I heard my door open up, I turned around to see (d/n) standing in the doorway with a knife in hand. "You aren't going anywhere (f/n)" he yelled as he charged towards me knife overhead ready to strike me. I barely got out of the way, which sent him barreling towards the wall. With him past me I ran towards the front door as I got out my phone. But before my hand could land on the door handle I was tackled to the ground by (d/n). I quickly turned under him and kneed him in the crotch and pushed him off of me. I then ran towards the garage hoping that he wouldn't try anything if the world was able to see anything he did if I could get the garage door open. 

As I entered the garage I was surprised to find Wheeljack in his alt. mode in there. I had given him a garage opener, I don't really remember why though. "Wheeljack what are you doing here" I whispered to him hoping that (d/n) didn't quite know where I was at. With this Wheeljack transformer and was crouched down so he could fit in the room. "What I'm doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were being abused? I'm your guardian I'm supposed to protect you. But I can't do that if you don't tell me that someone is hurting you when I'm not with you" Wheeljack yelled at me definitely alerting (d/n) to where we were. "Wheeljack now is not the time," Wheeljack cut me off. "Not the time! When would it ever be a better time" he asked me as I run behind him as (d/n) entered the room. The only sound was the knife that (d/n) was holding hitting the floor as he looked at Wheeljack and me as complete fear covered his face. At the sight, I simply sighed, not even surprised at the thought of (d/n). It only made me feel more disappointed in myself that I let this man, no this child rule over me for so long. I guess up until now  I still saw him as the man I used to love but then I saw him almost hurt Miko. Which reminded me that my dad died when his lips met that beer can the night mom died. "Like I said, I'm leaving. You aren't the man that raised me. That man died six months ago when you weren't strong enough to be there for your kids after mom died and instead took comfort in the poison that now consumes your life." I said tears streamed down my face as Wheeljack changed into his alt. mode, opened up the garage door, then backed up with me inside and hit the road before anything else could be said. 

I rolled the window welcoming the fresh air against my tear-stained face. I was finally free but the thought of being without my father broke my heart. Though this is for the best, if my father still had my best interest in mind then he would want this for me, I'm sure of it and that brought some comfort to my breaking heart. "Hey (f/n), I just wanna say I'm proud of you. It takes a lot of guts to do what you did tonight" Wheeljack said and I knew that there wasn't anyone else better fit to be my guardian. "Hey, Wheeljack can we just drive for a while? I'm not quite ready to head back to the base" I asked as Wheeljack continued to drive down the empty road while he chuckled. "Sure gorgeous, where do you wanna go?" "Anywhere, as long as I'm with you I don't care," I said as the stars shown brightly above us as if giving their blessing. I was free to do as I wished with who I wished and it felt great.

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