Chapter Six;Alexander POV

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Thomas and I texted for almost two hours last night. In the morning Peggy burst into our dorm. “Alex!” She yelled. I jumped and looked towards her. “What?” “Jefferson is sad!” Thomas walked out and stared at her confused. “What do you-” “Washington shared your report!” Peggy yelled and I could see Thomas’ terrified expression.

“Your kidding...right? Please tell me this is some sick joke.” “No he showed it at his first class. Thomas who is it?” “What?” “I know it’s someone. You wrote and I quote, ‘Maybe he’s dating a very sweet man who you know didn’t deserve to lose him. But this man you fell for has attached himself to you. No, you attached yourself to him at the wrong time. He loves someone and you do too. You want him. But your not what he wants.’ You used HE. You were referring to someone specific. Spill!” Thomas looked uncomfortable. “Peggy! Your making him uncomfortable.” I said getting in front of her.

She gasped. “I know who it is!” She looked at Thomas and her eyes lit up. “P-Peggy?” She pushed me out of the way and whispered it to Thomas who’s eyes widened. “Oh my god! Your a psychic!” He yelled as she smirked. “You like-!” Thomas put a hand over her mouth before she could finish her sentence.

“I won’t tell anyone…” She promised. “I need you to come with me.” He said and left with Peggy. “Alright, bye!” I said getting off of the floor. Now I was alone. I sighed and almost ended up calling John. But I didn’t want to...Something inside me just, wouldn’t let me call him.

So I called Angelica, “I need to talk to you.” I told her. She hung up and I waited. Soon she was inside my dorm as I explained everything. “Woah.” “yeah.” “So basically...You’re pretty sure you like Jefferson but, you also like John? Your confused is what your saying basically.” I hid my face in my arms and nodded. “Look, Lex, maybe….take a break from John to figure it out.” “But that’ll hurt him. John is a very sweet guy but...Thomas just found his way into my mind. I love John but I love Thomas...I usually have no trouble understanding stuff, why is this so hard?” I asked groaning. She pulled my head up and made me look at her.

“You are going to spend time with both of them. In the end you’ll know.” “Okay…” “Wait, why did you call me? You could easily talk about this with Eliza.” I didn’t actually know why. “I don’t know…I guess...You give the best advice.” This was true. Back when Lee cheated on me, I went to John but then I called Angelica telling her about everything. “It’s because I trust you.”

She smiled and it never faded. “How about, talk to Thomas. Give hints that you like two people and you’ll know what to do when he gives you and answer. Now I have to go. Burr opened a fire hydrant and now he’s hiding in my dorm. I think he wants to show me something on the roof? I don’t remember.” “Thanks.” I said just as she was about to leave. “Anytime.” With that she left.

I waited for the time Thomas came home. An hour became two hours. Two hours became three. And finally he returned. “Hey, Alex.” He was smiling at me. That damn smile…“Thomas. I need to talk to you.” Okay, hints. I let him follow me to my room and I patted besides me. “ know how I like John?” he nodded. “Well, there is someone else…” He stared at me shocked. His eyes contained a glint of hope. “And I don’t know what to do. John is amazing but so are- is. So is the other person.” he was confused, “why do you like each of them?” I sighed, hopefully he won’t know it’s him.

“Well John is...very sweet and innocent. He is always there for me and always has been. But this other guy...This other guy is amazing. He makes me feel something not even John could make me feel. He can make me smile, laugh...He’s just so perfect. But I know this guy will never like me. I just can’t help but love him...when I know he’ll never love me.” Thomas seemed hurt. “He’s an idiot then.” He smiled nervously at me before changing the subject, wanna watch another movie?” I smiled and nodded.

“What will it be tonight Thomas?” I asked him as we walked to the living room. “Moana!” He yelled making me grin. He’s adorable.


I needed help from one of my latino friends. I wanted to break up with John and I needed a way to do that. I had a bunch that were older than me but I needed one that didn’t gossip so Daniela and Carla were out. Vanessa? Nah, she would tell Nina, and plus, both are in California at the moment. That leaves about two who are usually in one place.

“Usnavi, no te puedo ayudar.” “But why? Please?” “No! I swore Benny to secrecy.” My Dominican and Guatemalan friend. I entered the diner and cleared my throat catching the two’s attention. Marie looked over at me and her eyes lit up.

“Alexander!” She was Guatemalan-American so she never really had an accent like Daniela or Mackenzie. Marie Blanca Martinez Lopez. A close friend of mine. Then we had Usnavi De La Vega my Dominican friend. Someone I met when I lived in what they would call the Barrio.

“Yo, Alexander!” Usnavi said pulling me into a hug. “How’s Sonny?” I asked. “He’s doing fine. I have to go back and forth some time to see him but he doesn’t mind.” Sonny was his cousin. “How about Benny?” His eyes definitely lit up. I was sure he had a crush on Benny but he said it was Vanessa he liked. Either way, I’m pretty sure Vanessa likes Nina. I mean, she went with her to California while Usnavi stayed with (for) Benny. Vanessa and Nina, Carla and Daniela, Sonny and Pete...Wow I have a bunch of gay friends.

“He’s my roommate and he’s doing pretty great. He finally made Benny’s car service!” I smirked and saw him blush. “What?” “Oh seem a bit excited.” He blushed even more, “Of course I’m excited! My b-best friend has his own business.” If it wasn’t obvious, Usnavi is a shy guy.

I've never seen him so flustered while talking about Benny. “Just talk to him already.” I said smiling. He nodded and Marie waved before walking off to the next customer. “So what's up?” “You know John? Well I sorta maybe..” “You didn't cheat on him, did you?” he asked nervously. I shook my head, “no! I just like someone else,” I rapidly spoke making him sigh in relief before his eyes widened. “What?!” “I don't know! And I need a way to break up with John-” Usnavi was kind of confused when it came to this subject since he only ever dated Vanessa. “Who?!” Marie came back and stood still. “Well um...Marie you weren't here yesterday?” “Day off-” “Kenzie!” I yelled catching the brunettes attention. “What?” “You remember the guy with the big hair?” “Oye, the guy who tried flirting with Matthew?” I nodded in a jealous manner. “Oh. Oh! You...him...damn.” She snapped and I laughed a bit. “Woah, who?” “Thomas, right?” She looked at me and I nodded. “Thomas? Thomas Jefferson?” “No Thomas Paine- Yes Thomas Jefferson!” Mackenzie said and smacked her against the head. That's when the bell rang and someone had entered.

Jenna walked in wearing a leather jacket and shades making her girlfriend blush. “Ay Mi Madre…” “Heeey~” “Can we ban Jenna from this diner?” Mackenzie called out to Matthew who shrugged. “Why are you…?” “I heard you like bad girls.” “No. I don't.” “Thank god!” She said and took the jacket and shades off. Both girls laughed.

“Alexander, I suggest you head back to your dorm. Daniela is coming-” “Hello~!” She gave me that look and I nodded and tried to avoid her. “Where do you think your going?” She asked me. “Daniela. How are you?” “Could be better. Sad you didn't come to the wedding.” Right, her and Carla got married last week. “Sorry, I was busy.” I told her and quickly left the diner. My head was still in the clouds and I walked into someone. “I-I'm so sorry A-Alex!” I heard a shy voice say. I looked up and James helped me up. “You okay?” I nodded and smiled at him. “Yeah, thanks.” We had a short conversation before I went back to my dorm. Thomas was missing and Laf sat inside. Why is everyone here today?! First Jenna, then Daniela, then Madison, then Lafayette?

“I heard you liked my brother.” He glared at me and I groaned. “Yeah. Got a problem with it-? Wait, how did you know?” I asked making him shake his head, “not the point. Jamilton is a go!” “I'm still dating John!” I yelled at him. “Oh...why?” “Because...I still like him.” I stated something that I thought was obvious but as those words left my mouth I couldn't believe them. Thomas has me messed up and I just...I don't know what to do.

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