The Weight

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And when you try to take me back and say some day you will change

But I don't wanna wait...

I can't lift the weight, I can't lift the weight

You stand on my shoulders and my heart just breaks...

Vanessa's pov

"Riley, let me go!" I yell. His grip was tight on my skin and if I was human I'd have a huge bruise.

"Your sister wants you to join that army." Riley tells me. Should I go against the Cullens? They did kill James after all. No! Rosalie and Edward mean so much to me... But so does Victoria. Maybe I can save Bella, I failed the first time after all. Yes, but karma is a b!tch.

"Fine. Just let me go!" I tell him. He lets go and takes me into a dark ally.

"Well, well, well. Long time no see, sis." Victoria's annoying voice says.

"Yeah, but you're the one who kicked me out." I told her.

"Stop! What's happening to me!" I hear a girls voice yell. I see a girl around 12 or 13. "Seriously, she's so young. Why?"

"We need Her." Riley says.

"No, you just need help!" I yelled and made my way to the girl.
"I'm Vanessa, what's your name?"

"Bree Turner." She says. She has a soft voice and a fragile body.

"Well, I'm gonna make you feel better, okay?" I said trying to make her calm down. She nodded her head.

"Wow, that was beautiful." A boys voice said.

"Thanks, I'm Vanessa

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"Thanks, I'm Vanessa." I said.

"I'm Cole. Nice to meet you." He said.
We shook hands. We got to know eachother. He is so handsome and sweet. He is like Embry but different. I feel special. I feel important.

I'm supposed to be with Embry but this is different. He knows the feeling to be left out and pushed to do something. To be used and left alone.
It's like another me in someone's body.

Embry's pov

She left me...  She's gone... Why didn't I follow her? The love of my life ran away from me. Gone without a trace.
I phased and ran to the Cullen's. I was freaking out. Is she okay? What if she gets hurt?

"You idiot!" Edward yelled as I entered the house hold. "You didn't even..."

"Edward, calm down." Emmett told him. In the eyes of Edward, he wanted to kill me.

"My daughter? I'll kill him!" Rosalie yelled she charged at me but Jasper stopped her. "Victoria could have her. Victoria probably blames her for what happened to James, she could kill her."

"My mom told her some stuff and she freaked! I didn't follow because she didn't want me to!" I yelled.

"Everyone, calm down!" Carlisle yelled.

Third person p.o.v

Everyone missed Nessa...

Edward missed her stubborness.

Emmett missed her loudness.

Rosalie missed her singing and songs.

Esme missed her compliments.

Alice and Jasper miss her jokes and cuteness.

Embry... He misses her smile, her laugh, her lips, her eyes, her amazing voice, her clumsiness, how she sees good in everything, how she speaks her mind, how she always has a comback, he misses her more than anything. She is his soul, is heart, his gravity, his everything... He didn't have to be her boyfriend, je just wanted to be her bestfriend, her protecter.

On the inside Nessa missed her family..  The Cullen's. But she has to save Bella... They put so much weight on vanessa's shoulders that she can barely stand the rain.

A/n: I know it's short but I won't be posting for 4 days and I thought I'd guve you something.

Think about it⤴⤴

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