Chapter 26

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Lukas wanted to move. Wanted to slap him. He didn't even think Matthias was stupid enough to try this. Maybe Emil didn't confess yet but he couldn't just make out with his crush! What decent brother does that! Never would Lukas do that to Emil. So when Matthias cupped his cheek he held his breath. Then he leaned even further. Every part of him wanted to reply, but he wasn't sure if it was to strangle him or something entirely else.

But all feelings died when the glass shattered. He looked over petrified to see no one, instantly Lukas could only push the Dane away. "I don't know what you think you are doing Denmark but I just told you-"

"You said nothing! You just don't trust me. But I love you and I want to prove it."

Fingers clutched his temple. Was Matthias that stupid? "I just told you Emil likes you. Therefore I am not getting involved with you."

"But how is that fair!"

"Life isn't fair Matthias!" he shouted. His normal dull eyes were fueled with burning rage with a dash of regret. "I would throw everything that mattered to me to make sure he was happy and I don't care if that means you get hurt! Emil is my brother I will always put him first so get it in your thick skull and realize something. We. Will. Never. Happen."


"No If I have to deal with any more of this crap Matthias I swear or so help me something bad will happen. Understood?"

Matthias could only nod and watch as the Norwegian stormed away. Seconds later, a door slammed. He wanted to throw something. Why in hell's name didn't he want to get together! All because Emil! The Dane loved him like a brother but with him screwing this up he wouldn't mind throwing that something at him. But he would never do that. How was he supposed to? Instead he went to the kitchen window and threw the box and the ring as far as possible. They were never getting together so what would be the point of keeping a broken promise?

Feeling absolutely everything he had when calling Tino a huora, he fled the kitchen to grab his jacket from the closet and flung the heavy fabric onto his broad shoulders. Leaving the house he closed it softly before taking his keys from his pocket and getting into his car.

He drove for a while before parking in a lot. Why the hell did he drive to Stockholm when he knew he should've got a taxi. Matthias just wanted to avoid people. The seat belt came of and when it came to closing the door, the few people walking past gave a concerned look expecting it to collapse to the asphalt. Before he even thought of checking he found himself sitting on a stool ordering his regular beer.

Tino smiled to himself noticing the quiet creek of his door. He finished signing his name on the paper in front of him before adding it to the stack already built. "Hallo Thomas."

"Tino, can I talk?"

Curious to what the boy needed he turned his chair to the boy better. "Of course! What is it?"

"Matthias and Lukas."

No part of the Finn wanted to talk about them after the previous night. He sighed and nodded causing the boy to make a seat out of his lap. Tino swore if either of them said one thing about Thomas he was going to slaughter the pair. "They had a fight I think. Matthias said he loved him and Lukas got mad. Why?"

Finland stared trying to bring the words together. "Lukas also said Emil had a crush on Matthias. Then he said they'd never get together. Does Lukas hate Matthias? Why would he hate Matthias?"

Normally it was Peter who questioned everything not Thomas. And even when he did he was more likely to go to Berwald. Tino frowned "Well, Lukas has a hard time with emotions. So maybe that's why he's mad. On top of which Lukas was lying about Emil's crush."

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