Ch. 1 Boyfriend

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First day of our last summer,

I wrote in my journal. I tapped my pen on my vanity.

"Babe, " Nicki chimed in my ear as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Babe, " Nicki chimed in my ear as she wrapped her arms around my neck

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"I'm bored. Come play with me." She looked at me through my vanity.

I turned around in my chair and she started stripping for me. A mischievous smile on her lips. I chuckled and approached her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and stared into her eyes. She cupped my cheeks in her hands and places a small kiss on my lips.

My and Nicki have been best friends for forever. Really our moms have been best friends since they were in diapers. I know what your thinking regular best friends don't do this, but there's just something else about her.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I laid her down on my bed and placed kisses on her neck as I rubbed at her breast through her bra. She bit her lip cupping one side of my face bringing my lips back to hers. I stopped what I was doing and pressed my body against hers. She played with the hem of my shirt as we battled for dominance with our tongues.

Ultimately she gave up before she could groan I slid her panties to the side and stuck two fingers in. She broke the kiss opening her eyes and arching her back a bit moaning "Mmm."

I chuckled at her and started pushing my fingers into her slowly.

"Robyn I hate it when you do that." She sighed and owned her legs wider for me.

"I'm not sorry Nic. One day you'll like the pain." I whispered against her ear and pushed my fingers in deeper.

She tensed underneath me and I sat up a bit.

"Nicki are you okay?" I asked I stopped what I was doing and sucked my fingers clean.

"No. I'm sorry." She said sighing and sitting up.

"What's wrong?" I asked and scooted over next to her.

"Nothing it's just, " She stopped talking and looked down.

I pressed my lips into a line and lifted her chin so she could look me in the eyes.

"Girls come down here for a second!?" My mother yelled for us.

"Let's go see what she wants." Nicki popped up putting on her clothes in a hurry.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I wonder why she's acting so weird. I got up of my bed and fixed my clothes up as well before we left out together. We went down the stairs to the living room to see my mother and the finest man in the world. In my opinion at least.

"Girls I have to introduce you to someone." She said with a bright smile.

Nicki and I stood there waiting for her to continue.

"This is my boyfriend. We've been dating for two years now and I finally think it's time for you guys to meet." She said as she clung to his arm.

I for one wanted to roll my eyes at the thought or my lame ass mother and him. She must have a superpower or this guy must be a prude like her. But I smiled and walked over to him.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Robyn." He smiled his pearly whites at me and I nearly fainted.

"Same to you. I'm Stefon Rimes." He introduced himself.

" He introduced himself

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"I'm Nicki." She perked up reaching her hand out for him to shake.

He chuckled and shook her hand back.

"Okay well, ladies we are going to the movies and out to dinner. Nicki, would you like to come?" My mother asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Okay, Great Now go find some damn clothes." She teased and I laughed.

Nicki always dressed like she was on a runway or it was 100 degrees outside. Today it was 100 degrees.

"Fine." She fake groaned and started up the stairs.

"I love Nicki but the girls dresses to grown for her age."

"Mom she's nearly 20 and I'm not too far behind her," I said and she made a face.

"Just cause your going to be 18 soon doesn't mean a thing."

"Yes it does I'll be able to what I want when I want and how I want it," I said a coy smile playing at my lips.

"Girl get out." She said and I laughed.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone. But don't do anything I wouldn't do." I said with a wink.

Stefon laughed and my mother groaned.

"Ugh, she's a piece of work." I heard her say.

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