Ch. 2 Nicki

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I went back upstairs and Nicki was changing into another outfit she had stashed away in my closet. I closed the door and she glanced at me. I gave her a small smile and walked over to her. She stopped what she was doing and I pulled her to me. I placed my hands around her hips and my chin on her head. She pressed her body against mine and she sighed.

"I don't know if we should talk about this now." She admitted and I grew even more curious as I was before.

"Is it bad?" I said scrunching my face up.

"Well, no. Not to me but once I tell you I don't know."

"Nicki you have never been like this before you scaring me."

"I know I'm sorry."

"Tell me you've never been shy before. Trust me I don't think it'll be as bad as you think."

"I like you." She said quickly as she pulled away from me and started stuffing through the closet.

"No shit Sherlock your my best f-"

"Nooo!" She exclaimed and yanked out an outfit.

"I like you as in I wanna be with you in a real relationship. I want you to be mine." She said looking me dead in the eyes.

"Oh." Was all I said as I took a moment and sat on my bed.

I stared at the floor as Nicki shuffled her feet. She only did that when she was nervous.

"See, " She started and I glanced at her as she closed the door to my closet.

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything." She frowned and I mentally sighed.

"Nicki, it's not that, " I attempted to reassure her as she looked down on my bed next to me.

"Nicki your not the problem, " I started and she went wide-eyed.

"Problem!" She exclaimed and I placed a hand on her knee in hopes to calm her.

"No no no I didn't say that right. There is no problem with that but I just don't want to mess up what we have. We're best friend's I don't wanna damage that if we ended up not being together in the long run."

"That's the thing we'd be furthering our friendship." She said placing her hand on my chin. "I already know the important things about you. The cutest things you do like you scrunch up your nose when you're confused and you bite your lip when you're nervous." Which I was doing now that she was pulling me on top of her.

"The nastiest things you do like when we're doing it and rub yourself against me then eat it so you can taste us." I looked down at her and placed my hands on either side of her cheeks.

"Nicki I don't know, " I said as my heart started racing my mind going 1000 miles per minute.

"What's there to know. You know me best and so do I for you. Please just give me a chance." She said and started rubbing my thighs up to my skirt to my butt squeezing it.

"Bu-" She cut me off and flipped us so I was laying on my back.

"No, no more talking. If you don't say yes or you'll think about it. I don't want to hear shit." She said and by her face, I can tell she was serious.

I closed my mouth and she pulled away from me. She looked me over once and bit her lip. She hovered over me and slid off my panties slowly. She pushed my legs open as she stared at me. She took her finger and placed it on my clit. I jumped at her touch and she smiled at how sensitive I was.

She dragged her finger down to my entrance and circled it a few times as I grew wetter. I groaned and she kneeled against my bed. She licked her finger before yanking me closer to her wrapping her hands around my thighs. She licked me from the bottom to the top before she dug her fingers into me. I closed my eyes and she drew circles around my clit.

Honestly, it wouldn't be bad to be with Nicki, but I can't say yes. Not that I don't want to it's just Stefon is so fine. I want a piece of him. I don't wanna hurt Nicki if anything happens with him. So I'm gonna tell her I'll think about it, but just in case. I'll attempt not to get emotionally attached anymore than I already am.

"Mmm." I moaned snapping myself back to reality.

I realized my hands were in her hair pulling it as I grind against her face riding out my orgasm. Sadly I missed the good bits but was fully aware of the ending. I let her go as she let me go. She hovered over me again and kissed me. I went to pull her back but she pulled away from me.

She turned away from me and sat at my vanity. I just looked at her for a few seconds before I got up and started getting ready myself.

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