Ch. 4 Girlfriend

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I woke up bright and early to get ready for Nicki coming over. I mean now that Nicki is my girlfriend I have to hold the way I treat her to a higher standard now. Even though I'm only with her to see if I have a chance with Stefon. I do love Nicki but if shit hits the fan I could always use her to my advantage.

I cleaned my room and made us some food for later. I bought the food outside by the pool and went to go change into my bathing suit. I walked out of my room and went to the living room to wait for Nicki.

"Morning." Stefon said as he opened the door to my mothers room.

"Morning." I responded and took a moment to look him over as me rubbed his eyes.

He walked past me into the kitchen. I admired the way his bare chest looked in the sunlight shining in through the windows. I smiled to myself as my mischievous thoughts ran through my head.

I couldn't wait for the day I had him to myself. I got bored and went in the kitchen after him. I sat on the counter and he shot me a look. He walked over and grabbed me by the waist taking me off of the counter and placing me on the floor.

"The counter is for cooking not sitting your a grown girl you should know better." He said and Rihanna rolled her eyes.

"What are you making?" She asked as she walked back up to the counter crossing her arms over it.

"Pancakes. Would you like some?"

"Yes actually I made some food but it's for me and Nicki later."

"Ahh yes the girlfriend." He chimed as he started mixing the ingredients together.

"Tell me do you actually like her the way you say you do?" He asked taking a glance at me.

"Of course I love Nicki." She mentioned and he cocked his head at her.

"Yeah we'll see." He muttered and Rihanna ripped herself away from the counter.

She walked up to him and smiled watching as he poured the mixture into the skillet.

"So you and my mother?" She asked and he glanced at her.

"Yes we are grown yes."

"Of course but-"

"No buts. Worry about your girlfriend."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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