Chapter 6

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Sandra P.O.V

I shut the door house behind me after coming back from meeting Ms. Smith. Fortunately, she was a nice lady so she forgave me for being late. Rubbing my forehead, I went up the stairs wanting to go straight to bed when I saw a girl at the top of the stairs, in front of Tyler's room. 'Who's that?' She was wearing short shorts and a red tight tank top with heals. 'She must be one of the sluts.' I looked at her in disgust and she looked confused.

"Ambie!" Another girl called, tapping her on the back. "Hey Lexi ..." They talked but I couldn't hear what they said. They looked at me and I gave them a look of disgust. 'Sluts.'

Lexi P.O.V

"This woman keeps giving me weird looks." Amber whispered. I looked at the woman and she looked at me with disgust. 'Why is she doing that?'

Suddenly, Eric came hugging me from behind. "Hello, beautiful." He whispered kissing my neck. "Ehm!" The woman cleared her throat "Mum?" Eric looked at her. "I thought I taught you better than knowing a slut, Eric." She said frowning, her eyes looking at me like some kind of trash. 'So she's his mum. How could she call me that without even knowing me?!' I was somewhat hurt from what she said and the looks she gave me. She strode away from us "Don't mind what she said." Eric murmured in my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled a little "Ok." He trailed butterfly kisses on my neck.

"Umm I-uhh will be going now." Amber said scratching her cheek. "Amber!" I called to her, turning red. "Bye Lexi." She winked leaving."So where were we?" Eric smirked at me. He grabbed my hand, leading me to his room. He slammed me against the door kissing me and locking the door at the same time. His mouth moved against mine, while his tongue played with my lower lip. His hands trailed up my leg, I gasped and he he slipped in his tongue, frenching me. He broke the kiss, his lips latching on my neck. I panted breathless from the kiss while he nipped my neck. I moaned in pleasure when he hit my sweet spot. He grabbed my waist, throwing me on the bed with him on top of me. He was about to remove my shirt "W-wait!" I sat up. "I can't, I'm not ready." I said looking away. He sighed running his hand through his hair. "Alright, I don't like to force girls in this. Even though you're my mistress and that's what you're here for." He said going to the bathroom. I sighed, 'So a mistress is a better term for sex slave? I have to find a way out of here, and fast.'

Eric's P.O.V

I shut the bathroom door, stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. The cold water ran down my hot body 'She's my mistress, she's supposed to satisfy me, not leave me take a cold shower. God I want her, I want to see that luscious body of hers squirming under mine begging for me to release her. I just have to take her once and this hunger will leave me, but it looks like I'll have to work for it. Troublesome.' I sighed, pouring shampoo on my hair.

Amber P.O.V

Having nothing to do, I explored the mansion for a while, trying to find a secret escape or something. But all I found was a hall with no one in it without a way back that I know of. "Aaaand I'm lost yay!" I said sarcastically. "Hellooo? Could somebody tell me the way back please?!" I called hearing nothing but my echo. I shrugged deciding to walk some more till I find someone. I walked through what looked like a ball room, a gym, a home theatre and many guest rooms till I found the maids' place. I saw Nadia with other people and ran to her "Nadia! Finally!" I said. "Ms. Amber? What are you doing here?" She asked confused. "I got lost." I grinned sheepishly. She giggled "Come with me, I'll take you back to master Tyler's room." "Wait! Umm I need something." I said. "What is it? I'll get you what you want." She smiled 'She's so sweet! Finally someone decent in this hell hole.' I rolled my eyes mentally. "I want clothes. Comfy clothes. I've been stuck in these," I pointed at what I'm wearing "since early morning." I finished. "You can borrow some of mine." She said, "Wait for me here." "Thanks. Oh and bring another pair please, for Lexi." I added. "Sure." She went to retrieve the clothes.

Nadia came back carrying two sweat pants and two cotton shirts. "Thank you so much, Nadia. I'll give them back to you when I get clothes." I smiled taking the pile from her. "No problem. Now let's get you back to the rooms." She said leading the way.

"Here we are, just pass that hallway and you'll find the masters' rooms." Nadia informed me. "Ok. Thanks again Nadia!" I said going to Eric's room. I knocked on the door "Lexi? Did you finish?" I called. She opened the door and I closed my eyes "Are you decent?" I asked teasingly. She huffed rolling her eyes. "Shut up Amber." I laughed. "Why so grumpy?" "How could you leave me with him like that you traitor!" She whisper-yelled looking at the bathroom. I laughed "I know you loved it." She blushed deeply. "Nothing happened anyway." She said. "Oh really? Hmm guess the redness on your neck is just a mosque to bite then." I grinned. "Wha-" she went inside looking at the mirror. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks reddened again. I laughed at her. "Stop laughing!" She glared at me.

With a click the bathroom door opened, revealing a naked Eric with just a towel hanging on his waist. He raised an eyebrow when he saw me "What're you doing here?" He asked. "Oh yeah, I came to give you these." I handed Lexi her clothes. "Clean clothes, finally!" She took the clothes from me happily. "Where will I be staying?" I asked Eric. "What do you mean? In Tyler's room of course." He said matter-of-factly. "Weeell, I kinda-sorta-maybe completely ruined his room so he got mad at me and threw me out of his room." I explained quickly. His eyes widened, then he laughed out loud. "I swear you'll be the death of my brother." "Tell Sara to prepare a guest room for you temporarily." He told me. "Okay." I grinned "Fine man you got there." I whispered to Lexi, winking. Her eyes widened. "Shut up!" She yelled pushing me. I laughed "Okay, okay I'm going. Night, guys!" I chirped going to the kitchen to fetch Sara.

Lexi P.O.V

I shut the door after Amber "What did she say?" Eric asked. I looked at him, he was only in a towel. My cheeks turned a deep shade of red "N-nothing." I stuttered trying not to look past his face and failing. He smirked coming closer. I took a step back and he came closer till I was trapped between his arms and the door. "Like what you see?" He whispered huskily, droplets of water from his hair falling on my neck. "I um will go take a shower." I said quickly escaping his arms and running to the bathroom. I heard his laugh as I locked the door behind me.

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