Chapter 10

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Amber P.O.V

I couldn't sleep that night, I stayed awake in bed, thinking till 2 am, got very little restless sleep then woke up at 6 am. I decided I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up, showered and dressed in a sleeveless, baby blue sundress leaving my hair down to dry naturally.

I went to my new favorite place, the garden. There I could relax my mind and breathe in the fresh air with flowers' smell. I grabbed a paper and a pencil and began sketching the scenery of flower beds and trees.

"Good morning." I looked up from my drawing to find Sandra smiling down at me. "Morning." I smiled back. "Wow, nice drawing." She commented, taking a seat beside me on the swing. "Thanks." I grinned, happy that she liked my little sketch. "Couldn't sleep?" She asked. "Yeah." I sighed. "Because of Tyler?" She asked with a knowing smile. I looked at her surprised, "How'd you know?" I asked. "I wanted to enter the veranda yesterday and heard you two." She explained. "Then you probably know what happened, he doesn't care, he was beside me that day out of pity." I looked down frowning. "You're his girlfriend." I laughed a pained laugh. "It's just what we told Sam, it's not true." 'And never will be.' "But I want that to be true, I want you get closer to Tyler, he could be cold but the concern he showed that night was definitely genuine. He's just too stubborn to admit it." She said. "Anyways, enough of that, did you go to university before?" She asked changing the subject. "Yeah, I finished first year of engineering and Lexi is in medicine, we were in vacation when we were kidnapped, it's about to end actually." I told her. "That's great!" She clapped, "You have to complete it. It's beginning next week right? Get ready for university." She winked, smiling. "A-are you serious?!" My eyes shone with happiness, I always wanted to get my degree. "Yup, now let's go. Breakfast is in 10." She smiled getting up. "Thank you so much, Sandra." I got up and hugged her. "You're welcome dear."

I ran to the living to tell Lexi the news running into Tyler at the process. "Ouch!" I rubbed my temple. "Hn." Tyler just grunted bypassing me without a word. I shrugged, 'kinda expected that. But that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.' I shook my head, 'We're going to university, I have to tell Lexi!' Regaining my happiness I went to Lexi's room to find her just getting out with Eric. "Lexi!" I hugged her making us both sway a little but we didn't fall thankfully. "We're going back to university next week." I said, her eyes widened and she grinned. "Omg that's amazing." We squealed hugging. "I can't wait to see Anna and Sophie! Oh and Edward! I miss him." Lexi said excitedly. "Yeah! Me too I miss-" "What the- who made this decision? And who the f*ck is Edward?!" I was cut off by Eric. "Oh stop it, Eric. No need to be a possessive prick." Sam chastised joining us in the hallway. "Morning girls and congratulations." She smiled at us. Eric rolled his eyes, irritated. "Breakfast is ready." A maid informed us and we went down.

Tyler P.O.V

Eric, Sam, Lexi and Amber all came down the stairs together, the girls chatting and laughing. They greeted mum and dad and sat around the table, Lexi sat beside Eric and Samantha at the head of the table, so the only place available for Amber was beside me. "Umm Sam? Can we exchange seats? I want to sit next to the eggs." She said smiling nervously, obviously lying. 'It's so obvious she doesn't want to sit next to me. I didn't think that not bothering me meant not even sitting beside me. I don't care anyway she can sit wherever she wants.' I thought, taking a bite from my toast.

Lexi P.O.V

After the awkward Amber-changing-seats-with-Sam episode, we continued breakfast normally. I was putting the fork with egg in my mouth when I felt Eric's hand on my bare thigh, I jumped choking on my food. "Honey, you ok?" Sandra asked handing me water. I took a few gulps. "Yeah, I'm fine." I glared at Eric and he gave me a smirk. His fingers tickled my thigh, going higher and higher. I grabbed his hand from under the table. "Stop this." I whispered glaring. "That's what you get for saying you miss another man." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver from his husky voice. I cleared my throat and continued eating, completely forgetting that I was still holding his hand.

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