Chapter II:

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A/N: And here we are... Chapter 2! I hope you guys all enjoy, and yes, there will be some more Birdflash in here. Small note, the doctor and medical team do know that Wally is a speedster and that Dick is Nightwing. Pride Month is still in session, so let love ring!

Several hours later, I was sitting in the back row of chairs in the hospital waiting room, hoping to hear back about how Wally was doing, as the doctors had rushed him into surgery, when he arrived. Flash and Artemis were a few rows in front of me, and she was crying, while the older speedster did his best to soothe her. In all my days, this had to be the second worst day ever. The first day that left me feeling fallen and broken, was the day I watched my parents die. Now, here I was, in my civvies, wondering if I'd get the opportunity to hear my best friend and the love of my life, laugh again. Now that he was 20 and I was 18, things had changed. We hadn't had a good laugh in a while, and it hurt so bad, because I felt like it was because of the work with the Team. 

Hearing a couple whispers, I peeked up my head, and saw that the rest of the original members of the Team, were standing in the doorway. I stood up, and walked over to them, and said, "Hey guys." Kaldur greeted me with a sad look on his dark face, as he concluded, "You do not look fine, Dick." M'gann said next, "Yeah, Dick. What's wrong? Have you seen Wally yet? Have they come out to talk to you?" I shook my head, and replied, "No, they haven't. Guys, I know this is probably the hardest thing for me to say, but I'm scared. It was my fault for all this, and now my best friend has to pay the price." Conner answered, using a gentle voice for the first time in a while, "You think you're scared, Dick? We all are. Even me. Wally and I...he was one of the first ones to accept me. He's my friend too, and you aren't alone." Even Zatanna said, "Dick, things are going to turn out fine, you'll see. They always do." I turned, and walked back to my chair, and replied, "How do you know that, Zee? Things didn't turn out how I wanted them, the last time I lost someone close to me."

Hearing the sound of footsteps, I looked back up, from where I had put my head in my hands, and ruffled the raven black hair that had grown somewhat long in the last five years. Then, I saw the doctor standing by Flash. Artemis stood beside the hero, and I watched as she broke into tears again, and crumpled down into the chair behind her. Quickly, I stood up, and brushed my other teammates past me, then walked over to the doctor. When I got over to the two men, I looked into Flash's eye, and saw a tear in his blue eyes, then looked at Artemis, and took a seat beside her. The doctor motioned Flash to follow him, and he did, leaving me with the blonde girlfriend, of my best friend. I asked, "So what's the word, Artemis? Is Wally okay?" The blonde looked at me, then wept, as she stuttered, "T-they couldn't save it, D-dick. The leg...i-it's gone. Wally can't run anymore."

An ugly feeling suddenly erupted in my gut. It felt like the fire was raging on my insides, and it was excruciating! I asked, fear choking my words, "Did they?" Artemis nodded, then laid her head in my lap. As she cried in my lap, I rubbed circles on her back, hoping to soothe her, but it wasn't stopping. I couldn't believe what she had told me. Wally couldn't run anymore?! That was a part of him, I thought would stay forever, but apparently, I was wrong. Because of my actions, my speedster best friend/true love was reduced to not being able to fully be himself, and it was awful. I stayed in that seat, rubbing Artemis' back, until Flash came back over, with a sadness dripping in his voice. He said, "Dick, they want to talk to you alone, in his room." I motioned to Artemis' weeping body, and the older speedster continued, "Go, I'll take care of her." I slowly rose up, and in a blink, Flash was in my old seat, rubbing the blonde, and making her feel like she hadn't just changed comforters. I walked out of the waiting room stiffly, and into the hallway, where Wally's doctor stood. He held out his hand, and introduced himself, but I barely heard a word, as everything sounded muffled. Subconsciously, I held out my hand and did the same, and when it was complete, I followed the man down the hall, and turned right, into a cold, sterile, white room.

My heart started thumping faster as I got close to the bed, and stared at the handsome ginger lying still and quiet, hooked up to multiple machines. As soon as I saw the machines, I came back to reality, and heard the doctor say, "Dick, I know this must be hard for you, but I need you to listen. There were some...complications with repairing your best friend's leg. I'm sorry, but we had to amputate at the knee." I stepped closer to the bed containing Wally, and slowly pulled back the covers, to reveal the part of the leg that was left. Tears came to my eyes, and I cried, as I stared at the one leg he had left. I said, sniffing a few minutes later, "What do I tell him? What do you tell your best friend, who's supposed to be a speedster, a natural runner, that he lost the one thing that makes him just that?" The doctor said, "I really am sorry we couldn't do more. Would you like me to bring the others in?" I nodded, then slowly moved over to a chair beside the ginger's bed. I said, looking down at my best friend, putting my hand in his, "Wally, I'm so sorry. I wish this hadn't have happened, and I wish I hadn't asked you to come along. If I had known, I would picked someone else. I just can't believe you're never going to be able to do what you do best now. I love you, and yet I sent you into the fire. I'm such an idiot, and you don't deserve me." Now, more than anything, I hated myself for being so stupid. 

A/N: So I hope all of you enjoyed Chapter 2! If you did, please be sure to remember to tap the little star at the bottom or leave your comments below! I also am reachable at all times through PM, so if you just want to talk or get to know me, then you can get a hold of me there! Until I'm able to update next, thank you all for reading!

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