Chapter V:

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A/N: So there will be a some Birdflash in here...a tiny kissing scene...but after that stay tuned... I hope you guys enjoy, those of you who have kept up with this book!

When we were alone, I took a seat, and picked up a cookie from the platter Barry had obviously brought with Iris, when they came, and said, "Your parents are right, Walls. If you want to leave here, you have to eat." Wally turned his head to look at me, then said, when he saw the cookie in my hand, "What's the use, Dick? I don't have the use of my legs anymore, since one is now gone. I only ate to keep my speed up, but that aspect is gone. I guess I'm normal again, huh? No running, no need for extra food." It hurt to see the ginger lying still and giving up, just like that. I replied, "Come on, Wall-man," I teased lightly, then kissed him on the forehead, and responded using the nickname he liked, "you've got to at least try one of these! They're your favorite...snickerdoodles!" The ginger answered, looking me in my blue eyes, "Dick. Just. Stop. Okay? Why doesn't anybody see that I want to be alone? The only person I really want to talk to is Artemis. No. One. Else." A good idea coming to mind, I asked, "Do you want me to get her? I think she's right outside." Wally gave a slight nod, then went back to being silent. I stood up, and walked to the door, keeping my eyes on him. He seemed distant; nothing like normal. But maybe that's because this wasn't normal for him. I glanced once more at his demeanor, then stepped out of the room, and went to find Artemis, somewhat wishing he had wanted me instead, but since he's bi, and Artemis is his current love current, I knew he'd want her.

She was exactly where I had told Wally she would be: in the waiting area. I walked over to her, and put my arms around her shoulders. She shuddered, then looked up at me, her grey eyes fearful and flitting. I said, "Artemis, Wally wants to see you in his room. Just so you know, he won't eat. Both his parents and I have tried, but he's still in shock, and he only will talk to you." The blonde replied, "What if I had stayed close to him? What if I had been there? What if I could have prevented this?" I answered, almost choking on my words, "Artemis, if you had stayed at your boyfriend's side the whole mission, that little girl would be dead. You chose to help her. Now that she is safe, you need to be here for Wally." "I-I don't know, Dick. This whole thing is so hard on me. Sure, I came from a family of assassins, but the fact that now my boyfriend is unable to run, because of some ridiculous doctor's choice, hurts me as well. I just have so many memories of him swooping me off my feet, that now I'm not sure how to handle the situation.", Artemis stated. I said, "Artemis, all we can do is to be here for Wally. He's the one we need to worry about." The blonde answered, "Okay...I'll go talk to him. Just don't walk in, okay? I think it needs to be a discussion between us both, and how we're going to adjust to this new way of life, since he lost the leg." She brushed past me, and went down the hall, turning into the hospital room.

Curiously, I followed her, but stayed outside the door. From where I was, I heard Artemis say, after a few minutes of their quiet discussion on the subject she and I had discussed, "Wally, talk to me, just like you used to. Why are you so stubborn? We can get through this!" The ginger quipped, "I'm not stubborn, Artemis! I just lost my leg for goodness sake! Give me a break! I'm not like you! I'm not invincible and I don't just get up when things get harder! I can't run anymore!" "Oh, so this is all about you now, huh? What about me? What about what I need? You think I wanted my speedster boyfriend, my Baywatch, to be confined to this life?! NO!!! I HAD NO IDEA THE FIRE WAS GOING TO BE THE END OF YOU RUNNING!!!" Artemis yelled, drawing attention to the room. I shut my eyes, knowing now that sending Artemis in there, was a bad choice on my part. Suddenly, I realized this was their first fight in a long time; something I thought would never be heard about again. I heard Wally yell back furiously, "WELL, IF YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING IT, WHY'D YOU COME?! WHY'D I LET YOU DRAG ME INTO IT?! IT'S JUST LIKE OLD TIMES; I HATE YOU." My ears turned up at the harsh tone, and I peered into the window. I saw Artemis' hands clenched in balls of hatred, and Wally's green eyes practically filled with hot, angry tears. Artemis grunted, and stomped out, pushing me aside, when I tried to stop her. As she walked away from me, she muttered, "This is all your fault, Grayson. Wally hates me! Good job; you won! Maybe now you can divulge in secrets with your best friend, while I stand mindlessly to the side." I watched her walk away, then entered back into the room, hoping to see what damage I had done.

When I walked back in, Wally growled, "She thinks she's all high and mighty now that her boyfriend, or 'ex' is unable to ever walk again." I said, "Walls, you will walk again. You just have to give it time. You're still in denial about this happening, and it's making you angry and say things I know you don't mean. Artemis is just like you; she's in denial about it too." "She's not the one who lost something, Dick. She doesn't know how I feel. How weird it feels to have lost something that used to make me so happy.", Wally argued. The door opened, and Barry, Wally's parents, and the doctor all walked in. Barry said, "Dick, I think you should head back. We need to talk to Wally about things." I shrugged my shoulders, and reluctantly left the room. As I closed the door, I heard the doctor say, "As much as it pains me to say, it's wise that we discuss where you want to go from here."

Again, I wished I hadn't been the one to call both Artemis and Wally to the fire. No matter what he told me, he looked terrible. His emerald eyes looked scared, for the first time ever. Despite me wanting to stay, my feet moved me out of the room, and I shut the door. From inside the room, I heard the doctor say, "There are things we can do to try to help, Wally, but..." "But what? I won't be the same as I was before? No, I don't want to do anything. WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!", I heard the ginger I loved retort loudly. I lowered my head, and walked away, defeated. It had been my responsibility to take care of my friend, the person I was romantically in love with, with every being of my essence, and I had betrayed him. He now was a speedster who couldn't run.

I headed into the bathroom, and locked the door behind me, anger and sadness overwhelming me. Crouching on the floor of the bathroom, I put my arms around my head, and rocked back and forth, as I had done as a child. It may not have been the most adult like thing to do, but that was how I dealt with things. As I rocked, tears streamed from my eyes. I hated myself for everything that had happened. I wished I hadn't ever said anything. Tragedy was a common thing for me, but the sight of my best friend and true love, angry and out of control? Now that was a different level of feelings. That was a whole new level.

A/N: So I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I promise there will be more ~private Birdflash kissing moments (NO SMUT THO; any will be hinted at and skipped)~ If you enjoyed, remember to tap the star below to vote! Thanks for all the reads so far! <3

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