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"Jasper come on get up!"Caroline's voice made the boy groan wrapping his blanket over his head

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"Jasper come on get up!"
Caroline's voice made the boy groan wrapping his blanket over his head.
"Jazz come on you have to get out of bed!"
Caroline's voice became stern as she banged on the door.
Jasper groaned out closing his eyes tighter as Caroline ended up breaking his door, again.
"There's a party tonight."
At that Jasper slowly pulled down his blanket looking at the blonde.
He questioned.
"Yeah at the Grill."
Caroline smiled laying out clothes for him on his chair.
"Get up, you're helping me plan."
She smiled.
Jasper groaned another time before slowly getting out of bed.
He threw on the black V-neck along with the black jeans Caroline had gave him.
He rubbed his eyes walking into Caroline's kitchen taking a bottle of whiskey.
However on cue Caroline showed up snatching the bottle away.
"What have I told you?"
She asked eyes wide.
"Steal alcohol from Damon, not you."
He rolled his eyes walking out her front door, Caroline following him out.
"And what are you doing? It's ten in the morning."
Caroline exclaimed as Jasper merely shrugged hopping in her car.

• •

Jasper had snatched a bottle of Bourbon from Damon's shelf as Caroline got Bonnie and Elena.
He was slumped into the couch,
drinking bourbon from the bottle; that was now only halfway full.
"If you were human you'd have alcohol poisoning by now."
Bonnie smiled sitting down beside him.
"Good thing I'm me."
He chuckled taking another drink.
"Okay come on, come on, we're meeting Matt at the grill."
Caroline grabbed Bonnie and Jasper, Elena following behind.
"Hey I'm almost out of Bourbon!"
Jasper protested wanting to go back inside and get another bottle.
"We'll force Matt to give you another at the grill."
Elena smiled pushing Jasper into the back of the car alongside herself.
"Caroline why are we setting up a party that starts at seven, at noon?"
Jasper rose an eyebrow at Elena as he finished the bottle.
"Are you kidding? By now I'll be surprised if we even have time."
Caroline sighed as Elena stifled a giggle.
'Okay.' Jasper mouthed to himself.

By the time the four pulled up to the grill, Jasper had finished the bottle.
"Hey Donovan."
Jasper smiled high-fiving the blonde.
"Sup Parish, the usual?"
Matt questioned unlocking the grill.
"Hell yeah."
Jasper smiled following Matt to the bar as the girls began to set up.
Matt passed Jasper a bottle of Jack Daniels as the boy hopped on the bar lying down flat on his back.
"Thanks Matt!"
Caroline called out as he left the grill.
"Didn't tell me thank you for coming."
Jasper grumbled playfully taking another drink.
"That's because if I didn't get you to come, you would be in your bed consuming dangerous amounts of alcohol."
Caroline turned to him hands on her hips, with a sarcastic smile.
"Well now I'm here, consuming dangerous amounts of alcohol. So nice job."
He smiled as Caroline rolled her eyes.
"Thank you."
"Why can't we just use magic to do this?"
Bonnie whined holding streamers in her hands as she walked over to Jasper.
"One, because I don't use my magic and two, because Caroline would kill you."
Jazz smiled sitting up and slinging his legs over the bar.
"Have you fed today?"
Bonnie asked raising an eyebrow as she took a seat on one of the chairs.
"No but I'll probably go with Lena later."
Jazz went to go take another drink, only to realize the bottle was empty.
"Come on."
He groaned tossing the bottle in the trash.
He went to reach for another bottle when a hand stopped him.
"Love, you're going to go into an alcohol induced coma."
Jasper smiled seeing his best friend Enzo.
"Aw you really do care."
Jasper laughed as Enzo rolled his eyes.
The two were known to shamelessly flirt with each other, even though nothing serious would ever happen.
"Yes well, I need a real drink. Figured you'd want to join."
Jasper nodded hopping off the bar and following Enzo, not before promising Caroline to be back by seven.

• •

Enzo and Jasper found themselves in an alley having just finished draining a couple.
Enzo smirked pushing Jasper against the wall.
"When you gonna ask Bonnie out?"
Jazz questioned as Enzo slammed his lips onto the boy's.
"As soon as you don't consume alcohol like it's air."
Enzo laughed as Jasper pulled him closer.
To anyone who saw them they might look insane, but really Enzo and Jasper just liked to mess around, but really it was never more then kissing in a dark alley.
Seeing as no one else would mess with either.
"Well you better soon, she's crazy about you."
Jasper chuckled as he and Enzo continued to make out.

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