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"Why do you even care so much? I mean you're one of the reasons he's in the problem." Caroline huffed as she and Niklaus looked for Jasper. Klaus sighed and for some reason Caroline could tell he was actually distressed about the situation. "I was his best friend, and I watched as his life fell apart. I'm still trying to forgive myself for letting that happen." Klaus told her solemnly. Caroline swallowed hard feeling guilt for scolding him. "Come on." Caroline led Klaus into a secluded place in the woods. There was Jasper tracing his fingers over a 'C and J' carved into nearby tree. "I'm so sorry mate." Klaus shook his head seeing Jasper's bloodshot eyes. "I don't know why I'm being so childish." Jasper forced a bitter chuckle pushing himself off the tree. "It's been years, I don't know why I can't face him. I'm a thousand years old, I should act like it." Jasper frowned at himself pulling at his hair. "Jasper you love him-" "I don't Care! I don't!" Jasper exploded, however Caroline knew he wasn't mad at her. "He left you without a goodbye Jazz, you have a right to be upset." Klaus sighed shoving a hand in his pocket. "I just-" Jazz shook his head weakly. "Whenever I think about it, I think it's something I did. I was too clingy, I wasn't clingy enough, I don't know." Jasper's shoulders slumped as Caroline and Klaus realized how tired he genuinely looked. "You can't expect to be able to see him instantly. He hasn't tried to reach out for decades, that's not your fault." Klaus tried to comfort his friend. "I hate acting like that because then he knows he still gets to me." Jasper took a shaky breath, anger seeping through his veins. "Well he can't stay in town long right? Just avoid him." Caroline suggested as the two nodded. Little did they know Elijah wasn't leaving any time soon.