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"He liked men, our family is disgraced!""Perhaps you should burn me at the stake to purify yourselves

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"He liked men, our family is disgraced!"
"Perhaps you should burn me at the stake to purify yourselves."
Jasper chuckled as he spun his crown on his finger.
"This isn't a game boy!"
Jasper's father yelled in his face as the boy chuckle.
"It certainly is to me."
Jasper stood grabbing his father's arm as he siphoned him.
"Jazz, stop."
His mother called tiredly, not really caring what happened to her husband.
"Really mother? This man who cares about nothing except how many jewels he has."
Jasper chuckled dropping his father's arm as the man passed out.
Jasper called as two men ran in the room.
"I'm king now, lock this traitor in the cellar."
Jasper told them and they did so quickly.
"You're powerful my boy."
Jasper's mother smiled patting his hair.
"A family is coming by next season, they are special and you must make a good impression."
Jasper rolled his eyes at his mother's words.
"Why's that?"
"They can make you immortal."

• •

Jasper woke from the dream quickly pulling at his hair.
He could recall the first time he'd heard of the Mikaelson's vividly.
The only reason he'd ever met them in the first place was to make himself more powerful.
Jasper turned the idea over and over in his head.
He'd used Elijah in the first place without even knowing it.
Jasper only met Elijah because he was supernatural.
Of course Jasper fell in love with him afterwards but it never would've started if his family wasn't power hungry.
Jasper couldn't believe that he had done exactly what Elijah had done.
He'd used somebody he cared about for his own benefit.
And that made him just as bad as Elijah.

• •

/yes I do know
how awful this

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