pt. 1

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[this is my first time in a long time really sitting down and writing something so be gentle. I hope you enjoy.]


Fuck them.

I mean seriously, fuck them.

Frank shivers as he hugs his chest in an attempt to get warmer. It's useless as he just shivers more, his dad's booming voice replaying in his head.
He keeps walking.

Frank's parents did it again. It feels like they never stop. Yelling, fighting, arguing. It's a constant presence in Frank's house. But this time he was lucky enough to be pulled into the fight with them.

It's no secret that his parents hate him. They've told him countless times and he always says it right back at them, and this time was no exception.

"It's not my fault you knocked me up at a young age, you think I wanted this?!"
Frank just wanted to grab a late night snack when he walked in on the argument. Is a late night snack really too much to ask for?

"Oh I see we're reminiscing on the good ol' days again." He tries to squeeze past them and into the kitchen when he says it under his breath. And yeah, maybe he shouldn't have said anything but at this point he's so sick of all this shit that he needs to have some fun once in a while. There's only so much arguing he can ignore.

"Shut the fuck up and go back to bed, this doesn't concern you." His dad's booming voice always manages to shake him up, even though he tries to hid it.

He's efficiently cut off from the kitchen at this point, face to face with his parents.
"Actually from what I heard, I think it does concern me. I am the big life ruiner aren't I?"

He could practically see the ugly veins on his dad's face popping out from anger. His mother stood behind his father with crossed arms and a menacing expression.

Frank watched as the large man in front of him pointed a stern finger towards the stairs that led to Frank's room.
"If you know what's best for you, you will march back up those stairs without another word."

Thinking back, he could've just listened.. but that was the thing about frank, he really hated being bossed around. And he really hated his house, and his parents. So fuck reason and fuck them, he was angry.

"What, go back upstairs and try to sleep while I listen to you two yell about how I ruined your life?! Yeah, I'd rather die then do that again!"

His father took a step forward and he tried to hide the way his body flinched.
"Then. Fucking. Leave."
He spat after each word, making it clear he meant business.
It made Frank shake but he stood his ground.

"I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd like it if I just up and disappeared. Hell, you'd probably throw a celebration if I died."
Frank was sure his face was on fire with how hot it felt. His hands were noticeably shaking by his sides.
"Then you'd get your fucking sad excuse of a life back."

Then he was on the ground.
He wasn't sure what happened at first but he realized as he brought a hand to his now bloody lip.
His dad punched him.

That's fucking it.

He wanted to come up with something witty and evil to say before he stormed out but his mind was blank. His dad watched him with dark eyes as he stumbled back onto his feet, holding his jaw.

No one spoke. It was the most quiet Franks ever heard his house in forever. His eyes shifted from his mom's to his dad's. There was no regret in their eyes.
They didn't care.

So he left.
With a hand still clutched to his swelling jaw, he angrily shuffled to the door and walked out of his house.
He made sure to slam the door behind him.

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