Exposing Elle 9

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Exposing Elle 9

"Jake, you have five seconds to get off me!"

"Never!" the far too loud, energetic boy screams in my face. I try my hardest to push him off me, but nothing works. Brothers.

"Mom! Jake won't leave me alone!" I scream at her. I help a lot and watch Jake all the time, but I draw the line on Saturday mornings. This is my time--no brother.

"Jake, why are you bothering your sister?" my mom's voice comes from the doorway. He immediately stops jumping all over my and bed hops to the floor, plastering on an innocent face. Please.

"I just wanted to make sure she got up okay. I didn't want her to never wake up," he says so smoothly I almost believe him. Little snot just loves to ruin my sleep-in mornings.

"Jake, don't say that. Your sister is healthy, she won't ever just not wake up," Mom says with concern, and I can tell she bought what he said. Geez, my brother could be a con man.

"Oh, okay. Just thought I'd make sure and check on her this morning," he nods along to her.

"That's nice, but let's let your sister sleep a bit longer. She's had to get up early for school all week. We can go make breakfast," she chimes, leading Jake out of the room. Thank goodness. Even though my mom can be a little off at times, she always knows how to help, even if that help is simply getting a sneaky nine-year-old out of your hair.


After falling back to sleep when my brother left, I rose naturally and felt in a much better state of mind. Plus, now I could the smell pancakes I knew my mom made for Saturday mornings.

"Morning, sweetie. In a better mood now?" Mom asks as I stroll into the kitchen.

"Much better. Jake attack is no way to wake up," I shake my head.

"Well, he ate quickly and wanted to head to Eli's house. You probably won't see much of him today," she says while bringing everything to the table. I fix myself a drink and sit beside her, ready to dig into this good smelling breakfast. Mmm, chocolate chip pancakes.

"So, any plans today?" Mom asks when we begin digging into our food.

"Hmm, not really. I have some work and studying I could do, but not too much. I may head to the library," I tell her.

She nods. "Looks like you'll be alone today. I'm going to meet your father at the office in a bit."

I nod, finishing off my food and helping clear the dishes. At this point, studying doesn't sound too appealing, so I may just pop in a movie when my mom leaves.


Bing! Bing!

I groan. I've just cleaned up the kitchen and said bye to Mom, then set up the DVD player with a movie, now ready to hit play. I better check my phone in case it's important. Two texts:

I'm bored.

Want to hang out? My sister is driving me CRAZY!

I laugh at Aiden's message, then type a reply.

Lol, I was saying the same thing about my brother earlier.

Bing! Another text.

Your brother was pestering you about plans for his wedding and what colors go with what?

I roll my eyes.

No, he was just driving me crazy. Did your sister wake you up jumping on your bed, yelling and wrestling you?

I wait for his reply until it comes.

No, but that would have been less painful than her droning on about the perfect dress and what everyone had to wear.

I smile and try to put myself out there since I'm already being more expressive in text.

Well, that sounds interesting. You only get married once. Hopefully.

I hit send, hoping he doesn't think I sound stupid.

Lol, I guess. But it's different for girls than guys. Anyway, you didn't answer me.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

What question?

I flip the TV off, my movie long forgotten about.

I asked if you wanted to hang out? We could do something today?

I hesitate. Normal me doesn't hang out with people. Ever. But I really want to become more friendly, and it actually sounds fun. But I also didn't get permission from my mom to do anything but go to the library. Hmm...what to do?

What did you have in mind?

I send it and close my eyes. Why does hanging out with him make me so nervously excited?

Nothing yet. But I could pick you up and we could think of somewhere to go.

Accept or reject? Hmm, going to go with my gut on this. My head will hold me back.

Sounds good. When should I be ready?

He replies speedily, and I read while climbing the stairs to my room.

Thirty minutes? Just send me directions to your house.

I quickly do that and hurry to make myself presentable for the day. Sigh. No more stay-at-home lounge clothes. Nothing too stylish either. I go for casual jeans and a t-shirt, pulling my hair back and applying a light layer of makeup. Enough for a casual Saturday. Now I just have to wait.


All too quickly, I hear a knock at the door. Although I agreed to do this and even felt some excitement for it, the nervousness I felt was beginning to consume me. Sure, I don't usually do this, but this is Aiden. I'm feeling more comfortable around him and hope we continue building our friendship. It really means a lot to me.

I rise to answer the door and smile when I see him. He just has that energy about him that prompts those around him to smile.

"Hey, ready to go?" he asks brightly.

I nod and join him on the porch, locking the front door behind me. No turning back now.


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