Chatroom #2

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jAwDeFiEnCe! changed their name to Lenoje.

Lenoje: I figured it would help.

Lenoje changed the chats name to LittleHoes.

Jae(in)jAr: why

Lenoje changed lilb(r)a(t)'s name to RUDE™.

MOOmin: there is no way to describe how well it fits.

LeDolphin: Guys.



Jae(in)jAr changed RUDE™'s name to Demonspwan.

Demonspawn: FUCKI- JAEMIN!!!!!

Jae(in)hAr: you'll never get me. I have holy water at my door step.


Lenoje: evil child.

MOOmin: that child is something.

Hyudong: why is Jisung beating Jaemin with a shoe.

Lenoje: that child needs Jesus.

MOOmin: scroll up.

Hyudong: to much work.

MOOmin: seriously.

Demonspawn: you next Jeno....

Lenoje: shit.

Hyudong: ah.. Okay

"Normal": why did jeno run in my room.
Holy shit!!!!! why is jisung at my window.

Lenoje: he's out to get me.

Jae(in)jAr: i....cant.....breathe.
That shit hurt like hell. I saw Satan in his eyes.

"Normal": jisung is beating the shit out of Jeno.

MOOmin: why don't you help him.

"Normal": I can't stop laughing.

Jae(in)jAr: I'm scared, he like hoped through the window and tackled my ass.

Lenoje: my everything hurts.

"Normal": I heard something break. I'm surprised you are typing right now.


MOOmin: I can't breathe I heard Jaemin screaming, and I died.

Jae(in)jAr: fuck you Renjun.

Lenoje: it's not fucking funny.

"Normal": shit was kinda funny.

Lenoje changed "Normal"'s name to MinMin.

MinMin: i- what the hell?

Jae(in)jAr: accept it.

Hyudong: it's fucking cute-im crying.

MinMin: I hate this nickname.

MinMin has changed Hyudong's name to Dong.

Dong: it sounds stupid.

MinMin: ain't nobod-

Demonspawn: you are stupid.

Dong: shut up you little ass. I hope you step on something sharp.

MOOmin: welp.

Demonspwawn has changed Dong's name to FATASSHOE.

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