Chatroom #6

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Lenoje changed the group chat name to MarkLifeAllerj.

Lenoje: we need new usernames.

MOOmin: we do.

LeDolphin: yeah.

AbsolutelyFullyFuckingCapable: okay so maybe I do but what with the group name.

Jaeminnie: i- I know where not gonna act like that was nothing. He didn't even spell alert right.

Lenoje: let me live.

MOOmin: never ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ.

Lenoje: your lucky your cute.

AbsolutelyFullyFuckingCapable: woah

LeDolphin: did jeno just call renjun cute.

Jaeminnie: I mean.

AbsolutelyFullyFuckingCapable: you mean what?

Babysungie: what happened.

Jaeminnie: jeno called renjun cute.

Babysungie: ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ what.

Lenoje: why are you making such a big deal about this.

LeDolphin: well..

Babysungie: coming from you, we can't not make a big deal out of this.

Hyuckie: why did renjun run into the bathroom.

Jaeminnie: maybe because of what happened.

Hyuckie: what happened

Lenoje: nothing.

Hyuckie: I think not, that boy looked like a tomato.

AbsolutelyFullyFuckingCapable: a very flustered tomato  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ –

Jaeminnie: with tooth picks as arms and legs😊.

MOOmin: shut up.



Lenoje: okay back to the point.

Lenoje: we need name changes.

Babysungie: we do.

MOOmin: tho I wanna keep jisungs as it is.

Jaeminnie: tbh. It's adorable.

Babysungie: what did you say ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

Jaeminnie: nothing.

LeDolphin: lol.

Babysungie: that's what I thought.

MOOmin: jaemin stop being such a wuss.

Jaeminnie: how bout' you shut up huang.

MOOmin: wtf.

AbsolutelyFullyFuckingCapable: don't tell him to shut up.

Lenoje: you jerk.

Hyuck: don't harm our precious angel.


Jaeminnie: ... Whatever

Lenoje: okay back to the name changes.

Lenoje: you'll pick a partner and play rock paper scissors with them and the winner will choose your username, then the winners will play against each other until their are two then the two left will name each other.

AbsolutelyFullyFuckingCapable: got it.

LeDolphin: yeah.

Hyuck: sounds good.

Jaeminnie: let's get it!

MOOmin: just stop.

Jaeminnie: let me live( ͠° ͟ ͜ʖ ͡ ͠°)


LeDolphin: help me. Jisung is asking me when I'm gonna ask out jaemin and I don't know how to respond.

MOOmin: Lele listen calm down and tell him tomorrow. I have a plan.

LeDolphin: what is this plan..

MOOmin: you'll see.

Yall are probably wondering why this took so long.
My writing app was being a twat and deleted all my chapters and stories so I was crying for a day.

But I managed to finish this chapter to post in time for you guys. Does it seemed rushed cause I had to rewrite it.

Anyways how did you like it what do you think Renjun has up his sleeve. What is jeno feeling.

And I'm so excited for "We Go Up" Any one else. I also listen to Love Yourself wonder while writing this.


Hope you enjoyed

Bye 👋👋.

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