Chapter 10: Prelude to Victory and Freedom

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Chapter 10: Prelude to Victory and Freedom


Au's POV


Flexing my muscles from too much exhaustion due to my incessant running, I can't help but stretch my lips in a genuine smile. The cold morning breeze was relaxing my tensed muscles and fuzzy mind. Inhaling a good amount of fresh air was pure bliss. This is pure and utterly bliss.

'So this is how freedom feels like.' I thought and another genuine smile plastered on my face.

"It's been ages since I felt free and Janisse-free." I almost exclaimed from my excitement.

Passersby and joggers from the acad oval were giving me weird looks but I don't care. Being this free was great. It feels so freaking great!

There's no Janisse to bear in the morning, no shitty dramas, no clingy fiancee to take into consideration of what she might feel if I'll lash out on her again.


I almost forgot how it feels to be free that I missed it so much. Trust Janisse to be right behind me. Always. She was acting like my second shadow. Wherever I may be, definitely she will be there as well.

But I've stepped up on this plan. If she won't get off my back then I'll be the one who will stay away. This engagement was taking its toll on me. And I can't let it lead to a freaking marriage.

I love Janisse. But the way I love her now was different from the way I did ten years ago. That was just a puppy love. Okay. It isn't just puppy love. She's my first love. But seriously, ten years was enough to let that love fade just like she did all of a sudden.

Ten years ago, she disappeared without any explanation. Even now, she never explained why she went to States that time. Janisse left me and took my heart away with her. But I took it back; I took it back after five years of waiting for her. I got tired of waiting though she never told me to. It took me long enough to forget but I did. I've moved on and I no longer love her.

Yes. I've loved her.

Past tense.

It's all in the past now. Even now that we're affianced my feelings for her never resurfaced. Maybe that's the solid proof that I am really over her. I'm over Janisse C. Mendoza. Her fantasy of "us" having a happily ever after will remain a fantasy. Period.

Because sooner or later this engagement will not forego. And it will the clingy fiancée to break it off.

I can't wait for my official freedom.


The whole break period was an excruciating market-like chaos. Damn. These block mates of mine were so loud that I cannot comprehend why they still have that energy when we're pulling all-nighters for the past week. Speaking of all-nighters, I have to announce a general assembly in our groups. Pulling out my phone, I opened my facebook account and began typing the announcement. This weekend will be a hectic one for me and for my organization. Shit.

"Hey, have you read Tattle's entries? God. Have you seen the article about Janisse and Austin?" I heard one of my block mate said to another girl.

"Oh my God. Really? What was it about?" The girl shrieked.


What's so special about Janisse and I's life that several of students in the campus were so hell-bent on getting the latest scoops about the two of us? They're all pathetic. We aren't Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. We're not star-crossed lovers like Peeta and Katniss.

How to Lose Ms. CLINGYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon