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I'm rewriting the original 'The Abuse'!
So as you already probably guessed, this will be the rewritten, better, more detailed, and longer version of it!  It will be way better, trust me!  Hope your as exited as I am!!  If you want you CAN check out the original and read that to compare how much better this one is or will be.  Leave a vote if you want or a comment on something you want changed or more detailed.  Some of the things I want to change or improve are;  the ending, the foster care, the foster homes care taker (I may even change the gender idk yet, but I really want to), the relationship between Eren and Levi (add more detail and explain more), give more on Eren's past, and make the story a little longer!  Leave a comment on what you think about my decision and make sure to leave a suggestion are two!

The Abuse RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now