His forced decision

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Thanks for the comments..Lol...The last part made me laugh too!


Chapter 4

I ran out of my room door to fetch my sister, "Abigail!" i started screaming in the hallway, she popped her head out of her room door.

"What, you moron!" I stopped screaming and looked at her surprised.

"Shit! That's what, I shitted!" I told her, running up to her and waving my hands in the air like I was crazy.

"Haha, what's new?" She side, smiling and laughing.

"No, Taylor Lautner, That's new, that's the shit!" She stopped laughing at once. Her eyes widening, She pulled me into the room and through me on the bed. I looked around the room like it was some place new, i haven't been in this horrible room, the darm thing is Yellow! it's ugly.

"Talk!" She said.

"I was peering out of my room window..you know doing the usual...spying," i smiled at the last word. "And then, all of sudden..to make long story short, he just popped out of his window and started talking to me!"

"What he say, what he say?" she said jumping up and down on her bed...I just wanted to throw up.

"Well, he said...he said..umm...I can't remember, but i know what i said!" I slumped down on her bed.

"Well, what did you say?"

"I said...I like Cheese!"

She looked at me, like she was waiting for something, her head flew back on the bed and her legs started kicking in the air, like she was a baby crying for tea. She held her stomach, "Pahahahaha..." this went on for a while. I checked my watch, then i looked at her. She finally gave up laughing and whipped her eyes. "Y-you..h-have been planning on what to say to this dude for the past... couple of days and all you say is," she held her stomach again, trying hard not to burst into her anyone woody wood pecker laugh, "'I like Cheese'" She put on a deep voice and mimicked me.

"First of all," i started, "I don't sound like that. second of all...it wasn't my fault, i was nervous...he kind of took me by surprise!" She could not help her self, she flew back on the bed and started kicking in the air and laughing again.

I rolled my eyes and got up.


The next day was saturday and i was planning on talking to him, a little better. He was inside, but I wanted a way to get his attention."Ha! i know, they are coming to pick up rubbish today, and i read in a magazine that he takes out trash," i told my sister staking him out in my bedroom window. i had binaculars on peering into his room. But due to to thick blue curtains, i saw nothing.

"Aren't you afraid, he pops out of his window again, and you happen to say I like cheese again," she gave out a little chuckle.

"not funny,"

"Yeah, to you, you're the one who said it!"

"Anyways..." I continued "When, he comes out we will be playing baseball, you are going to send the ball for me and i'm going to hit! Got it?"



Finally About 2 in the afternoon, we went out, we ate lunch at my window, and my mother scowled us...but who cares! We went out on the pathway and started hiting balls, "Are you sure he's going to come out?"

"Corse he is!" about 30 minutes later he did come out to throw the rubbish, "Ha! i told you, places!" I said i went to get my bat and i positioned myself. i wasn't really good at baseball...in fact i sucked. I saw some girls playing it on t.v and I wanted to play some my dad joined me in a time and bought a base ball bat and ball for me....I quit the next day.

my sister threw the ball at me and one swing with all my might and my eyes closed, The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was Taylor putting the rubbish in the bin, I swung the bat with all my might and I heard a POW! and i opened my eyes. I started jumping up and down, i looked up in the air for the ball.

"Where is it, where is it!?" I started questioning my sister.

"it's right here," my sister pointed to the ball on the ground, A pained expression on her face. That when i saw.....

Taylor lying on the floor, his foot scrunched into his stomach, "Oh My God!" i ran up to him. "Are you okay?" i asked..of corse he isn't okay....I broke Taylor, I broke Taylor...We are going to lose our house.

"My Balls..." Taylor said grunting, he turned from side to side rocking himself...."Oh My god, no Children!" i started panicking...What do i do?

Appearantly no one of his family didn't see. I ran inside to get an ice back. I ran back towards them, blended with embarrassment, I heard taylor grunt, "Are you crazy, You stepped on him!" My sister yelled.

"oh sorry!" I ran towards him again and put the ice pack on his balls...haha I'm touching His balls. "Please, I love you, i'm not a crazy fan...Oh who am I kidding...YOU ROCK TAYLOR!! You are so sexy!" I said happily. I was basically confessing my sins to the priest!

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but, I don't think we could have any kids now..So..Much...pain!" He said in between clenched teeth...and he tried his best to give a smile.


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