The news

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A/N: This part here is Awesome, why you may ask? Well because wattpad...UPDATED!!!!! (deep slow motion voice). Yeah you heard me UPDATED! and now it's my turn.

Sorry for keeping you guys.... School work school work school work. Like I think I metioned, i'm living school soon and they want to push down as much work down ourthroatsas possible. Anyways YEAH>>> NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL!!!!

Chapter (I lost count)

"So guess what?" I asked my sister, I was kicked in the stomach by a huge heart break, yes, a huge heart break.

"What?" She asked, she sat down next to me, she released my sadness.

"Do you know why I haven't been seeing Taylor lately?" I asked her, for about four months I haven't seen Taylor, he went back to his project doing. for the first three weeks we have been texting back and forth happy enjoying ourselves, until one day, he stopped. Every time I tried to text him back, he wouldn't reply.

My initial thought was that he was too busy. But then I got the sad news.

"Why?" I sensed that My sister knew, but she didn't want to tell me. I realized lately that she stopped hanging out with Makena Taylor's sister lately.

"He found a knew girl," it heart my chest with anger and literal heart break from saying this. I didn't want to believe it, so i never said it up until now.

"And do you know how I found out?"

"No," her voice dropped, she started twirling a lock of hair. My sister loved me, and i loved her back, and I knew how she felt about this.

"On the BLOODY internet, on the DAMN internet!!!!!! OMGosh.... after we shared farts together.... and I shared my deepest darkest secrets to him, he just silently dumps me on the internet."

"Did you call him?"

"No, i'm to scared to face the reality, I'm afraid if text him now, he is going to say the heart wrenching words!"

"Chel, it's gonna be a okay," Yeah like she knew, I spent so long planning ourrelationship, planning thing, and now....he just dumped me, for that bushy eyebrow and pale lips girl LILLY COLLINS!

I stood up from where was sitting and started to pace the floor, trying my best to hold back the waterfall of tears that i knew wasn't going to hold for long.

I couldn't take it no more so I dived onto my bed and covered my head with my pillow, starting to bawl. This couldn't be happening to me. No!

For the entire day i stayed cooped up in my bedroom, wondering on how this could happen. Maybe I wasn't pretty enough, maybe I wasn't his type, maybe I'm too ugly to look at...what did i do wrong? can somebody please tell me what did I do wrong?

During the night, i pulled out my phone and texted him, 'Hey'. finally for the first time he replied.

'Hey,' he would have usually said, "Hey what's up babe, but now he just said 'Hey'.

'What are you up to?' I asked him, not wanting to sound to sad. I felt that the way i text could reveal my sadness, i didn't want to give him thatsatisfaction.

'Nothing, hey umm listen Chelsea I have something to tell you!' here it came.


'Umm i don't mean to sound harsh, but I think we should go our separate ways,' I was crushed, my whole life just went splat like a bloody fly on the wall.

I didn't reply. 'Chelsea?' he texted back.

'What?' I finally got the strength to say.

'Nothing,' and that was the end of Solomn Grundy.

I wanted so bad to curse him.... but then i had a greater idea, which was sit and wait for alighteningbolt to shock his ASS and burn him to the CRISP!!!!!!!!!!

Here is Moi Update hope you like. Not funny, but sad. This was how i felt when I heard the news. Chica just made me stop listen to her father's songs Now I HATE TARZAN!!!!!

If anyone has covers or something that you designed or whatever feel free to send them to me:-D... this story needs one


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