Cake Mess!

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Oh gosh You Guys...I'm # 195 on What's Hot! Thanks Guys so Much for voting!! AHHH!! I can't contain myself, i wanna scream!!. Anyway here is Chapter 6


Chapter 6

He dropped me at the front of my doorstep. At first, we sat in silence, listening to our own thoughts. 'What's he thinking!' i thought, then I thought, 'What if you was telephatic, and i could hear my thoughts...he might of heard me say...What's he thinking?' "So?" he said, after a couple minutes in silence. I jolted my head to face him.

"Yeah!?" i said a bit to excitedly and too loud, Calm your hormones Chel! I said to myself, smiling.

"Please don't pass out," he told me during chuckles, He must have realized that i was hyperventilating...a tad bit.

"I'm trying," hoping to lighten the mood.

"So, tell me about you," he said to me, his head facing the streets, driving at a speed limit of 30 miles.

"Um, what do you want to know about me," i tried very hard to contain my excitement, but it became overwhelming...i bursted into hysteria, "OHHH, OHHH, Taylor I love your movies, every single one of them, I watched all of the shows that you appeared on, including Shadow Fury, Duck Dodgers and scooby doo," I paused I looked at him, He was about to say something, but then I bit him to it, "Danny Phatom, Ohh, Ohh My wife and Kids... I totally forgot that one and then there is Bernie Mac Show...You can stop me anytime," I eyes him, I continued counting them on my fingers, "Summerland...and My Favourite,'The Nick And Jessica Variety Hour!" I started breathing fast.

"Wow, really, some of these shows that you men..." i cut him off.

"Did i mention Sharkboy and Lavagirl, and the day that you hosted SNL and you made totally was my first time watching SNL...and My last," My breathing started getting faster.

"Um, thanks for watch..." He said, but then I Sucked in some air and started talking again.

"I voted for you on every single poll, making sure that you won, there was the teen choice, kids choice and all the twilight nomination!! you had to win, I made sure you won, I prayed that you won..I dreamt that you won....AND YOU WON!!!" I screamed waving my hands up in the air.

"I KNOW!!" He yelled. He then busted into a fit of laughter, hitting his hands on the steering wheel. Hey, he thought I was funny!!...Hehehaha. I started laughing also. And Then I sucked in some air to start talking again, but he stopped me, "Okay Shut up!" My laughter died. I looked at him funny. "Okay i'm sorry, What i meant to say was, stop now, i get are a superfan...usually most girls... in your situation," he pointed to his car, "You know, sitting in that sit, where you are, would try there best to compose thier self, act all funny and try to impress me with small talk." He pointed to me, "But you, you act like yourself...I really like that!" He smiled again, showing those really pearly white teeth again. I swear if you look at them close enough you could surely see yourself in them.

"Really? So is that a good thing?" I asked, hoping it was.

"You clearly haven't seen everything of me!"

"Of Course! i've seen twlight, new moon, eclipse...I've even seen them in spanish...I don't even understand spanish!"

He laughed again, "Okay, did see most things..." he cocked his head on a side "... but you haven't see my interviews, where i said...I like a dorky girl a fun girl... a REAL you," his eyes on the road again. He turned to look at me, he gave a mona lisa smile... the smile where you can't tell if his smiling or not, and then turned back to watch the road again.

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