Predominant //Chapter one//

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"Mom I have everything." I said rolling my eyes at my extremely overprotective and annoying mom who was basically attached to my hip, overlooking each breath that left my fucking  mouth. I was literally just moving across town into a new apartment and she was acting as if I was moving across the country.  

"Honey, are you sure? Are you sure you don't wanna run back to the house and grab something else, ill take you! And ill make you a nice dinner and then you could leave in the morning."  I could tell where this pity party was going, I needed to be ruthless. I mean I'm a 19 year old woman, I can take care of myself now right?

"Mom I have everything. I'm good, can you give me some space? Seriously, don't you have shit to do?" I feel bad being such a bitch but ever since my dad left its like I'm five again and she has to watch me every second of the day.

"Okay then sweetie, I’m gonna go now, I love you. please dont be afraid to call... or stop by... please stop by." I could see the tears brimming her tired eyes.

"I will, I promise," I wrapped my inked arms around her, as she weeped onto my shoulder. A tear skimmed down my face but I quickly wiped it away before she could notice. "Bye mom, love you, i'll call you when I get set up."

"Okay I love you so much Samantha, please be safe." I could barely understand her over her gasps and sniffles. Oh god this was rough, I watched as she turned on her ruby red heels and fasted-walked down the old hallway, flipping her hair over her bleach white dress.

I grabbed the rusty key out of my bag and opened my new apartment door. As soon as the door swung open a matured musty wall of stench hit my nose and I immediately gagged. Garbage scattered the floor, mice dashed from under a ripped sofa, a bag of weed and a green bowl sat on what looked like a old destroyed coffee table. Laying on the floor was a young guy with black, messy hair. He was stretched out so his toned, tan stomach was completely exposed and his dirty jeans hung low on his hips broadcasting his very dominant V-line.

"Uh hello? Can I help you?" I managed, pinching my nose so the disgusting smell would not engulf my senses. The young man looked up to reveal his beautiful face. Ages toxins had done nothing to his perfect jawline and sapphire eyes. A bit of scruff was noticeable on his chin but it made for a perfect cocktail of sex appeal and youth. He reached behind to scratch his neck and he began to chuckle.

"I believe I should be asking you this, you disturbed my nap." He quickly stretched and stood up to present his full height. Holy shit, he looks like a sex god. Fuck, the first day in my new apartment and I already have met a intensely sexy hobo who was living in my house... cool.

"Um, um.. " shit what the hell do you say in this situation. I decided to grow some balls and confront him. I pushed my bright artificially colored red hair behind my shoulders, and flattened my grey pencil skirt. My heels clicked on the tile floor as I made my way over to him. I looked him in his beautiful deep blue eyes that seem to mesmerize me into a trance. "Get the fuck out of my house, or ill call the police." The words stung my mouth as they left. His facial expression changed dramatically, all color drained from his face leaving it a pale grey. An evil smirk took over and anger flamed up inside his eyes. Instead of the ice blue they turned an endless black. Large hands took hold of my shoulders as they pushed me back against the hard drywall. His face hovering inches away from mine.

"Listen here, missy. You come into this place and all of a sudden your top shit? No. Fuck no." Anger laced his words and it scared the shit out of me.

"Ill call the fucking police," I managed to stammer. He eased his grip up a bit and for a second I thought I saw a flash of blue in his eyes.

"Ha, babe, you don't even fucking know who your messy with. I’d be careful with what comes out of that cute mouth of yours."  He backed away, pacing across the messy room, kicking beer cans and running his hands through his hair.  Adrenaline released into my bloodstream, causing my heart to skip a few beats. A stupid boy has never had such a foreign effect on me so quickly.  

"Whats your name...?" I walked towards the confusing man and stood directly across from him.

"Aaron. What's yours?"  He seemed to have calmed down considering he was now standing still and staring me down.

"Sam, Samantha. If you don't mind me asking do you have a place to live?" He interested me, the way he acted. I could watch him forever. I know so little about this man apparently living in my home and I feel as if I could predict his next move.

"Why do you fucking care?" Red painted his thin cheeks, and his beautiful lips curved down at the corners. Was I insane for be so captivated by this human being?

"I just wanna know,  i'm sorry, I don't know what you want but I have a lot to do and i'm very stressed and I think you need to leave. I'm sorry if i'm kicking you out of your shelter or whatever but this is my house now and I need to do some shit so get out... please." He tilted his head to the side, without saying a word and with a puzzled look plastered on his face, he grabbed a white v-neck draped over the couch and then the alluring individual left my apartment and strangely enough I felt very alone and heartbroken.  

/// Hiii okay, so im extremely new at this so please be as sweet as possible! please critique it! I love to hear others thoughts, Thank you so much for even reading this lol im gonna try to update once or twice a week, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors ~sophh ///

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