I'm sorry. //chapter 6//

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Aaron POV.

I couldn't help myself from breaking down and crying. I basically ruined her life, my life...our new life. Everything was going amazing and then I had to fuck it up like I always do. I reached out and grabbed her hand, her icy touch sent shards of crystal ice through my veins and impaled my heart. This changed everything, what the hell was I gonna do? I thought to myself for a second, and then I realized if she didn't remember me then we could be brother and sister, partners in crime, or even boyfriend and girlfriend. She would have to believe everything I said because she didn't know anything else. She was looking at me with sympathetic eyes and when she saw I was staring at her, the corners of her mouth turned up a little bit and a warmth finally radiated off her hand like it used too. The nurses exited the room finally and samantha laid on her side, facing me. I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the forehead and she giggle and pushed me away like a child.

"Whatta say after tomorrow we run away?" I suggested completely nonchalantly.

"Okay, but what about my family, where are they?" I took a double take, did she really just say okay to run away with some stranger that randomly appeared after her memory was completely lost. She scooted over and used her hand to kinda wave me on to lay down next to her. I stretched out next to her and she tangled her legs in between mine. She ran her small hands through my hair, and sending a chill down my spine.

"Uh I-I" I stuttered, obviously her mother hated me, and after this would never let me talk to her and I couldn't have that happen. She was my happiness. "Forget them, you have me." I tried to say reassuringly with a half smile. She looked sad for a second and then replied with the same half smile.

"Okay Aaron." She said confidently. "I have a question," she said innocently, I notice her eyes started to water, and her smile faded within seconds. She held her hands out in front of her face like she was studying them. "Whats my name?" She spoke under her breath almost embarrassed to ask. My blood ran cold for a second, it seems that it does that often now. Our eyes met just as a tear ran down her face. I bought my thumb gently to her cheek and brushed it over the wet spot left by the small wave of sadness. Little did I know that little wave would soon turn into a massive tidal wave of sorrow as she started to ball in my arms. Nuzzling her head inside my chest, wailing. She started to scream, this Samantha left my completely speechless and breathless. "WHO THE FUCK AM I? AARON? DO YOU HEAR ME?" I stared at that the broken girl in front of me, she sunk to her knees holding her petite face in her hands. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I turned to see the doctor looking at me with sad eyes, he beckoned me out of the room.

"Aaron correct?" He said staring at the clipboard. A few nurses fled into Samantha's room, gossiping and saying "poor girl," under there breath.

"Yeah, thats me." i said sighing and shoving my hands into my pockets. he scanned the clipboard for a second, adjusting his glasses every now and then.

"Ahh I forgot to mention, after the accident, Ms. Smith-?"


"Yes, will suffer from severe bipolar disorder but with medicine it will be handleable. This is just an episode." He said still looking over the paper on the clipboard. "Are you her boyfriend I assume?" He said barely looking up at me.

"Yeah I’m her boyfriend." I no longer heard Samantha's painful crying, just a soothing nothing echoing from the room. The nurses left quietly, one of the tapped the doctor on the shoulder and whispered something into his ear, he just nodded.

"I’m going to prescribe her some medicine to control the outbursts." The words sounded so foreign coming out of his mouth, like he was dealing with an insane person. "Goodluck Aaron, she will be let out tomorrow morning." He gave me a quick smile and a piece of paper that prescribed a medicine that my girlfriend must take from her bipolar disorder and memory lost that where both caused by me.

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