It could be worse babe //Chapter 4//

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// btw this has smut so uh yeah... awk. //

Samantha's POV


        His lips connected to mine, in a shocking twist. Instead of the normal 'I’m sorry' which did come but he went above and beyond what I expected to happen. A sharp shock of electricity jolted up my arms, went straight through my heart and immediately turned my brain off. My logical thinking, to push this insane drug dealing, homeless man off me completely flew out the window, his tongue attacked mine, his hands cradled my cheeks carefully, I pushed him off of me when I realized he wanted to do more than just kiss me. Shortly after, I stood up to face him and he embraced me with his large arms, letting my head fall on his shoulder as he slowly rocked back and fourth. Keeping the pace of my heart beat. He reached down and grabbed my small hand, enclosing it inside his, he pulled me inside the apartment. His devilish grin warned me of the thoughts they were running through his fucked up mind.  within mere seconds he had me up against the wall, his lips pressed against mine in a sobby, passionate kiss. His hand travel up and under the loose white t-shirt I was wearing, cupping my breast, while his other one reached under my thigh for better leverage. He removed his hand from my t-shirt and lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his torso, he carried me to the couch never disconnecting the kiss. He sat down so I was straddling his waist, his hand moved to the small of my back for better support. I took charge kissing down his neck and slowly peeling his shirt off to allow full view of his beautiful skin. I scooted back off his waist so I was kneeling in front of him, his eyes seemed to brighten as soon as he realized what I had planned. I reached out and started to unbuckle his jeans, fumbling with the buckle. I let out an embarrassing giggle, he helped me by quickly undoing the latch. I yanked down his pants slightly pulling his boxers down also just so I could see his very defined v-line engraved into his skin. He let out a deep groaned as I began to to put slight pressure on his length. I pulled at the elastic band hugging his hips and his full length was exposed to me. I gently pumped up and down, his eyes shut, I could tell he was trying to contain himself.

Fuck samantha,"  he moaned. I took his length fully inside my mouth, twisting my tongue in circles around his swollen tip. A salty taste was introduce to my taste buds after I wrapped my small hands around him.

"I’m gonna bust soon, take your shirt off please baby." He begged. I obeyed, reaching to the bottom hem of my t-shirt and pulling to off, tossing it to the side. A white mucus-like substance jetted out of him in small streams, he face dozed off and I watched as he came undone under my power. The liquid covered my chest, dripping down in between my breast and running down my stomach. Aaron laid back panting heavily, his eyes still closed. A massive slam echoed from my left and I looked to see my mother, jaw on the floor, staring at me and Aaron before she rubbed her temples and sped off down the hall of my apartment muttering something that sounded like "slut" under her breath.

"Oh my god Aaron..." I said, I was frozen, in complete and utter shock. On the other hand Aaron was cool, calm and collected. His smile pressed into a firm line, and his eyes, thankfully, still a cold blue.

"Was that your mom?" He said chuckling, his mouth began to turn up at the corners. Is he joking? My mom just found her perfect daughter down in front of a man, mid-orgsam and he’s laughing!? I got up from my knees but before I could chase after her, Aaron had grabbed my wrist and roughly nudged me onto the couch. He then continued to followed her down the hall.

"Aaron?! Stop seriously," I yelled after him.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you rat! What type of drugs is she on? What did you put in her drink! My daughter would never do something like that!  What's your name ?!" I heard my mom screeching, Oh, and here comes aaron backing up with his hands in the air like he was dealing with the police and my mother holding her high heels up to his neck, oh god.

"Listen mrs...?" He shot me a quick side glance, before my mother realized he didn’t even know our last name.

"Smith, my name is Mrs. Smith, and you have no right exposing my daughter like that! You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Mrs.Smith I’m going to have to ask you to leave our apartment." Thats the second time I’ve seen her jaw hit the floor in a 30 minute time period, I could tell Aaron was getting frustrated. I still hadn't said a single word to my own mother.

"Mom," I cleared my throat to get her attention, and I swear I saw her head swerve all the way around like she was possessed with an evil demon, "I’d really really appreciate if you left my apartment." I said, I tightly gripped her shoulder and gently pushed her towards the front door, I could only picture the smirk that was probably on Aaron's face right now. She still hadn't said a word to me, and she looked unsure of the whole situation, "Ill call you later, love you!" I yelled down the empty hallway after her. I slammed the wooden door and slid my back down it, and pulled my knees to my stomach. I had a killer headache. Aaron was chuckling, but once he realized how upset I actually was he stopped and sat down next to me. Tears flooded down my cheeks, as I sniffled and wiped my nose on Aarons pants.

"Look at us," I mumbled, "two kids, in a big city, sitting on the floor of a disgusting apartment, in our underwear." I said smiling through the tears.

"It could be worse babe." I gave him a confused look, "your mom could still be here." He said with a cheesin grin on his face.

"Ha-ha so funny, shes gonna hate us both!" I said sinking back down into my knees. Tears threatening to spill over again.

"No, Sam she will hate me, but thats okay, a lot of people do. I’m used to it." He said shrugging and wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his upon mine. We fit perfectly like a puzzle. After collecting myself from that tragic chain of events I got up and walked to the kitchen to grab some water and aspirin, I  heard the door close from behind me and turned to see an empty room, Aarons black backpack was missing also. I grabbed my shirt, and shoes and followed him into the cold winter wonderland. I spotted his backpack and ruthlessly shredded through the busy streets. His shadow turned a sharp corner leading to a dark hallway. I crept my head around the corner and saw his buff body huddled over a large dumpster. His arm was laid out flat in front of him, and a brown belt was wrapped tightly around his bicep. At the end he was roughly pulling it up with his teeth, the veins in his neck bulging out. A small needle sat next to his arm on the flat surface, He went rummaging through his backpack to find a small vial containing a clear liquid. He then proceeded to inject the clear liquid into his arm with the needle that sat next to him just seconds before. I watched in horror as Aaron shot up heroin in front of me. My stomach dropped, and the small alley way seemed to heat to a million degrees. All the butterflies he had gave me died in a split second. A small rat scurried out from the trash can he was next to and ran towards me. As I tried to make a quick escape from the creature I tripped in a pot hole, and fell face first into Aarons backpack. A stinging sensation stabbed at my heart, as I stared up at Aaron.

"Fuck." I said as his eyes turned an endless, deep black.

// please comment & vote pleaseeeeeee, tell your friends, tell your sister, or cousin, or dog! have youre dog read my story!! anyway, considering Dylan O'brien is aaron in this i thought to myself why not add a gif of him but i am very underadvanced when it comes to shit like that so if you know how to put a gif in, then you should let me know and i will literally love you forever, okk well bye. xx -soph //

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