Drugged Pancakes //Chapter 3//

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As I made my way out into the busy main street Aarons imaged burned into my brain, he was the only constant in my mind. People bumped and pushed past me in the tight streetwalk, their eyes glued to any type of technology they had. I rounded the street corner and saw the starbucks I decided to apply at. It was close to my apartment and paid a little bit more than minimum wage, or in other words enough to live by until I went off to college again. The humid air of starbucks hit my face and the smell of coffee consumed my senses. I walked up to the main counter and spotted a peppy blonde hair girl who looked around my age.

"Excuse me, I’m here for the job offering, can I speak to the manager?" He eyes rapidly dropped their fake sparkle, and her attention switched back to the customer. "Excuse me?" I asked again, but more assertively this time.

"What do you need?" She snapped right after she finished with her customer. She looked like a basic bitch, with a rich daddy and a milf for a mom but I sucked up the negative thoughts and again said in my sweetest tone I could manage,

"I need to speak to your manager."  Again the lady chose to ignore my comment, and carry on wiping down the counters. After being tired of her bullshit and horrible service, I was going to visit her manager no matter what, so I jumped over the counter of the nearly empty coffee bar and make my way back to the office. I felt a hand grab the back of my jacket and pull me back aggressively.

"You got the job," she said cheerfully, "I'm the manager and I need my employees to be able to get the job done and be determined even when they reach little obstacles in life." I was completely and utterly shocked.

"Uh, thank you..." I said unsure of what to think, the peppy blonde returned to her job and I made my way out of the serving area,

"you start monday at 5am, wear a black t-shirt and skinny jeans. You will be training all day." I nodded and waltzed out into the sharp winter air. The city was a big place, and a lot different from the 15 minute drive away which held my home town of Oakfield. The city was an industrial jungle gym and from the experiences that I have matured in the past 3 days I’m not as confident in my abilities to survive here anymore. The air had crisped up and light snowflakes now began to coat the city in a clear coat of polish, shining all the building and glistering on the polluted sidewalks. I made it to my apartment complex and checked the time on the main clock in the hallway leading to the stairs, 7am. I could still go out to breakfast or maybe finish up my apartment, I need to call my mom before anything. Knowing her I bet she was worried sick. I opened my apartment door and the smell of pancakes overtook me, what the hell. I hurried to the kitchen and to my surprise Aaron was standing next to my stove without a shirt and a smirk on his face.

"I thought I would drop by, I hope you dont mind..." His raspy voice trailed off and he continued to stare at me with puppy eyes. I walked to my kitchen table and threw my bag down on the wooden chair, without saying a word I started to set the table with my basic target dishes and silverware. I walked onto my patio and picked a fresh red rose and placed it in a small vase. I heard Aaron chuckle in the backround and i couldn't help but notice his ravishing back muscles that flexed under his toned skin. He truly was a beautiful human being and even in the few days I have spoke to him his presents was very enjoyable. He set the perfect pancakes on the white glossy plate and placed them in the middle of the table.

I crinkled my forehead a bit and stared at him with a confused look, "how do I know these aren't poisoned?” I said in a joking tone poking the pancakes with my fork. He grabbed one of the pancakes and took a huge bite of it, filling his entire mouth,

" I guess i’m a dead man then.” He said with a cheesy smile on his face, I grabbed two pancakes and covered them with syrup and butter. They were the best goddamn pancakes i've ever eaten. he definitely knows to cook,

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