too much

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I took a mental health day on Friday my phone put up on my shelf in my room far away from me. I'm being dramatic but I feel like I did something worng. I decided to check my phone and saw five missed calls and multiple missed texts.

Two Missed calls from Jared and three from Connor.

I looked at the texts first

Printerboy; hey first it's not your fault.. whatever that happened yesterday.

Printerboy: you good treeboy?

Printerboy: not going to school? Did you catch a cold?

Printerboy: okay so I just ran into Jared in the hallway and fuck. That asshole pushed me yesterday? Hansen that wasn't your fault it was a misunderstanding.

That's nice of him to say it wasn't my fault but I should have spoke up or explained better. It's not that I'm mad at what happened I'm just disappointed in myself and I feel like I'm bothering Connor. I checked the texts from Jared

Feel_the_Cronch: stay away from connor

Feel_the_Cronch: Yo acorn I just talked to Connor in history class and even though it was a misunderstanding I still don't like him and you need to stay away from him he's bad news.

I don't think he's bad news. Looking at the clock I realized it's almost time for school to get out I decided to text Connor

The_lorax: even if it wasn't my fault I feel like it was....hey um I know this is a stupid question and um you don't have to answer it if you don't want too but um I was wondering thatumdoibrotheryou?

I hit send feel quesy in my stomach. I hate sending texts like that. I use my crutches to get up and get a glass of juice and a apple then I just lean against the counter looking out the kitchen window towards my backyard where we had a oak tree back there. I get snapped out of my dazed when there's a knock on the door I slowly and nervously make my way towards the door and open it when I see it's Connor.


He said pushing a small plant towards me, I take it and smile it was a succulent plant.

"Uh I'm what's this?"

I ask trying to think of a way to walk with it plus the crutches.

"Oh shit let me help" Connor says realizing the trouble I was having he took the plant and put it on the table. I sit on the couch, Connor leans against the wall.

"What's with the plant?"

I ask Connor pushes his hair back.

"So I got your text where you ask if you bother me, which you don't. But I felt bad that I gave you the idea that you do so I skipped last period and drove to home Depot and asked basically all the employees what to get someone who liked trees without having to buy an actual tree? Ya know trees are hard to carry.... anyways so this one cool chick told me to get a plant and this was the nicest one I found besides the shape is pertty cool. But point of this awesome story is that you don't bother me I enjoy you."

I felt flustered that he went though all that trouble and effort for me. I'm such a burden. My eyes started sweating Connor face fell.

"Shit,do you not like the plant? Should I uh go get you a tree?"

I wipe my eyes and laugh a little

"I really like the plant"

He sighs in relief "good"

"It's just that I feel bad that you went though all that trouble just for me"

Connor comes and sits right by me and slung a arm around my shoulder "Evan I don't want to hear that ever again you hear? I appreciate you and like our friendship so far. You don't burden me if anything you help me and calm me down. I'm going to tell you this one more time

You are Not a burden

I don't mind doing things for you

And I enjoy our time together"

Connor finishes. I turn towards him and smile at him he grins back and I started to feel like everything would be alright.

~lazy author time skip to a week later~

My ankle healed pretty good and I no longer have to use crutches. Connor and I have been hanging out more and became pretty close and better friends, Jared still is mad and does his best to keep me away from Connor even though it's not really working.

"Hey Evan"

Connor says walking up to my locker after school, Jared instantly pulls me into a hug and sticks his tongue out at Connor.

"Evan isn't here at the moment"

Jared says while turning towards my locker with me in his arms.

"your an idiot"

Connor said annoyed I wiggle in Jared hold uncomfortable but Jared doesn't let go. "Why are you such an asshole?" Connor asked leaning against the school lockers

"Shut up why don't you go smoke drugs or something else stupid" Jared refuted. "Uh um c-"

I try to speak up but don't get heard "Go eat a bath bomb" Connor says to Jared.

"Acorn let's get out of here" Jared says trying to pull me along "b-but can't we all hang out?" I asked, both boys looked at each other uninterested.

"Please?" I asked both Connor and Jared sighs

"Truce for today?" Connor asked Jared glares at him but agrees neverless. Jared let's go and I smile at both of them.

"What's the plan for today acorn?" I shrugged. "Hang at my place?" I bravly asked. They both looked at each other but then noded there heads. When we arrive at my place we all just awkwardly stand in the living room.

"U-um video games?"

I ask "whatever you want Evan" Connor says jumping onto the couch I set up the wii so we can play Mario Cart. Ten minutes into the game all the tension in the room is gone and replaced with competitive attitudes.


Connor yells at Jared who cut him off

"Evan Stop Driving like a grandma!"

Jared says to me bumping me with his shoulder. "I am a responsible driver" Connor and Jared laugh at me.

"Evan let loose drive crazy"

I shrugged but decided to give it a chance. A couple minutes later I'm as competitive as the others


I yell and jump up onto my feet caught up in the excitement.


Jared yells and throws a green she'll at Connor making him loose first place. Connor bits his lip


Was his reply. I smirk and

let go of the blue shell.

"Fuck acorn why?"

Jared asked pretending to be hurt when I blow him out of first place which allowed me to win the race.

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