“well.. I think we should wait a little since we just met. How does that sound?” He says with a questionable look on his face. “Fair enough fair enough.” I Smile and adjust myself on the bed. Ash’s girlfriend knocks on the door and yells, “MAKE SURE TO USE A CONDOM!” Calum yells back “TOO LATE!” “EEWWWW GUUYYSS THEIR HAVING SEEXXXX” We both laughed and headed downstairs.
-next day-
I was searching for my books in my locker for my next class. “hey there good lookin.” Calum walks up next to me and hugs me. “hey there ya hottie.” “ I really enjoyed hanging out with you guys last night, do it again soon?” “But of course! It was a blast.” I smiled and walked with Calum to my next class. Mr Yorks class. Fucking hell. But atleast I get to be wit Calum and Leah! But still, math sucks balls. I walk in and everyones standing around waiting for class to start. -30 mins past- Finnaly, class is about to finish.
*RING* I ran as fast as I could out of the room to my locker to grab my stuff and leave. I ran home hoping no one noticed me, I was crying. My depression was coming back and boy was it coming back fast. It had been 4 months since something has happened and it chooses now for it to come back? Nothing bad has happened, so why is this happening? Please don’t get to the point of harming myself, please. Once I start I cant stop. I ran upstairs so I could call Calum. He had no clue I was like this but guess what, hes about to find out. I scramble through my bag to find my phone and dialed his number as fast as I could. I sat on my bed holding my knees against me chest as I bit my nails waiting for him to pick up the phone. “Hello?” “Hey, its y/n. could you come over or I go over to your house? My depressions coming back and I cant handle it this time.” “Yeah, of course you can come over whenever you want. But wha-“ “Ill be there in 5. Thanks. Bye.” I packed some stuff, even my blade just in case. I told my mom I was gonna go over to Leahs and she said it was fine. I didn’t want my mom to know I was hanging out with a guy covered in tattoos and who smoked, she would never let me see him ever again.
I plugged in my head phones and stuck them in my ears as the music filled my mind. I could feel the tears starting to form again so I started to run faster to his house. I went up to his door and I didn’t even have to knock he just opened the door and wrapped his arms around me. “Its gonna be alright y/n. Everythings gonna be alright.” He rubbed my back and backed us up so we sat on the couch. Luke was sitting there and Calum motioned for him to leave. Luke understood and left the house.
“I just didn’t know what to do. I needed to talk to someone.” “ Im always here for you whenever you need me, no matter what.” He hugged me again and layed back letting me follow with him. When im in his arms I just felt, at home. Like nothing was wrong.