“Sorry if it’s a mess. I didn’t feel like cleaning.” “That’s fine! Mines pretty messy too.” We both laugh as we take the last step towards the upstairs. He opens the door to his room and the smell of cigarets and calone came into the air. And I honestly kinda liked it.
“I write music, but im not that good.” He says as he puts his arm back to scratch his back and shyly. “C’mmon let me read them, plleeease!” I start tugging on his arm to annoy him. “alright alrightt. Let me get my book. But you can never touch this alright?” “Okayy.” He walks over to his shelf and grabs his book. I wonder what he keeps In there, eh don’t worry about that right now. “Here. They kinda suck.”
I start to read them. I couldn’t believe my eyes, these are some of the most beautiful lyrics iv ever read. “Calum, im speechless. How do you come up with this stuff?” He sits down and I follow by sitting down on the bed. “ I just kinda write what comes to mind I guess.” His eyes gaze over to mine. Even though I just met him, I feel like iv known him forever. “Even though we just met, I just feel like iv known you for my whole life.” Calum says as he grabs my hand. “I was just thinking the same thing.” I sit up on the bed cross legged facing him.
“W-w-what do we do now?” I asked nervous for what was about to come out of his mouth. “Im not sure, but y/n. I think I have feelings for you.” “I think I have them for you too.” We interlock fingers and I bite my lip.
“What do you wanna do about this?” I asked “well..
Sorry its short;-;