Chapter 1 - Prologue

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A sound of drops falling on the metal floor echoed through the empty room. Darkness, bred by the lack of windows, was covering every inch of the place. The smell of humidity was so strong, that it was hard to breathe.

A small girl, covered with dirt and blood was lying lifeless on the cold surface. Only a few shabby pieces of cloth were overlapping her weak body. Nasty wounds were spread all over her pale skin and she looked like a dead.

All of a sudden, the girl opened her eyelids, revealing not a normal irises, but silver-coloured eyes. She sat up straight and looked around herself shocked. After a few seconds, the silver disappeared from her eyes, showing their beautiful real colour.

The small girl stood up slowly on her feet, a sharp pain piercing her body. Ignoring it, she started walking around the small room, examining it. She looked to be around 9 years old, slim and frail. Her long hair, now clotted from the dirt, was falling freely on her back.

Somehow, after a few minutes of wandering in the dark, she managed to find a door. Running her fingers over it, she felt the metal handle and catch it. The girl pulled it, trying to open the door, but it was locked. She tried desperately over and over again, but she knew that it was pointless. She laid her head on the door tired.

Suddenly, from the other side, she heard a strange noise. It sounded like a heavy breathing and at that moment the girl understood that she wasn't alone.

"Hello?", she said with her tiny voice. "Is somebody there?" The noise continued, but no one answered her.

"Please?", she begged, tears strolling down her face. "Please, let me out?" A sound of steps reverberated from the other side of the door and slowly disappeared as well as the noisy breathing, showing that whoever was there had left.

The girl slid down the door and coiled up crying, fear spreading through her body.

AN: Okay, guys,  I don't how it turned out, but I hope you like it. I will love to hear your opinion. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

xoxo, Arol

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