Chapter 4

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The three days have past and now the team had officially split in half. Natasha, Vision, Rhodey and Tony signed the accords, while Aurora and the others denied doing so. As the youngest of the Avengers had promised she didn't show for the official ceremony of ratifying the Sokovian Accords in the Vienna International Centre. Instead, she decided to stay in her hotel room in the Austrian's capital and watch TV. While she was lying on the sofa, her eyes stared at the screen, a sudden change of image caught her attention.

'Live from Vienna International Centre.' Aurora jumped from her place and turned the sound on. 'A bomb hidden in a news van,' the news reporter said. Behind her, an ambulance was just parking. Three medics dressed in white aprons got out and hurried away. People with scared faces were passing behind her. Some of them hat cuts and bruises on their heads, others were just covered with ash and dirt. 'Ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations.'

'Oh God!' the girl gasped. She quickly turned off the TV and hurried away from her room. There in the corridor, she found Steve and Sam, who had obviously seen the news too.

'We need to find him,' Steve said.

'And then what?' the girl asked.

'Talk with him.'

'Like he will want to talk with us.' Aurora was walking fast behind the two men, trying to keep up with their speed while putting her long hair in a ponytail.


'Your drink, Miss,' the barista said placing a cup of coffee in front of the girl. Her eyes were covered behind a pair of dark sunglasses. She just nodded at the man and pulled her drink closer. A few seats from her, Sam Wilson was drinking his coffee too with a baseball hat pulled over his eyes.

'Do you know the whole story?' her friend asked her.

'Yeah. Natasha told me everything after the Lagos incident.' After the mention of Bucky's name, which distracted Steve in the fight a month ago, Aurora wanted to learn about him and that's where Black Widow came to explain everything to her. She felt bad for Steve. To be tried to be killed by your best friend, who no longer even remembers you. It was normal for Cap to be affected by all of this.

Steve approached them at the coffee counter, followed by Sharon Carter.

'Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public,' she began speaking barely moving her lips and not looking at them. 'Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of it's noise. Except for this.' She slid Steve a file. 'My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now... so that's all the head start you're gonna get.'

'Thank you,' Steve said.

'And you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight,' she took one last look of them before going away.


Aurora looked around herself. It was a small one-room apartment with barely any furniture. It reminded her of the loft in which she was living before she joined the Avengers. This place was home of a runaway. Next to her Steve took a notebook from the top of the fringe and Aurora peeked over his shoulder to glance at the opened pages.

'Heads up, guys. German Special Forces, approaching from the south,' Sam said through the radio station.

And then she heard it. A screeching boards coming from behind them. She and Cap both turned around and there he was. Standing motionlessly, he was moving his eyes between the girl and Steve, measuring them, trying to judge the situation.

Aurora didn't know what to do and how he will react. She had heard enough stories to know that the Winter Soldier was unpredictable.

AN: I know this chapter is short but it meant to be longer, I just needed to split it in two. The second part is almost done so expect it tomorrow. Meanwhile, I hope you like this one. Tell me your opinion in the comments and don't forget to vote.

xoxo Arol

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