Chapter 5

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Aurora didn't know what to do and how he will react. She had heard enough stories to know that the Winter Soldier was unpredictable.

'Do you know me?' Steve first broke the silence asking Bucky.

'You're Steve. I read about you in a museum.' He stared a few seconds at his ex-best friend then turned to Aurora, piercing her with his gaze. 'But I don't know her.'

She moved a step forward and got out on the light coming through the dirty window. The sunlight reflected on her eyes and make their beautiful amber colour to shine like gold.

'Aurora Foster,' she introduced herself. He looked her up to down and his eyes stopped on her weapons' belt where two long knives were hanging. 'Friend of Steve. But I'm not the important right now.'

'I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying,' Steve said. Bucky's eyebrows were knocked together. His whole body was tense and his hands were folded into fists.

'I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore,' he said with a harsh voice. His well-defined jawline was clenched tight.

'They are entering the building,' Sam's voice echoed through the radio. Steve ignored him and continued looking at the other man.

'Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive.'

'That's smart. Good strategy.' He was talking slowly and calmly.

'They're on the roof. I'm compromised,' Sam shouted again. Aurora could hear them. People running upstairs, their heavy steps echoing between the wooden boards and sending vibrations through the whole room. A normal person would have never felt them, but the young girl with her enchanted sensed, was able to detect them before Sam even reflected them.

Aurora Foster wasn't really a fan of the diplomacy. She was a girl of the action. She took out two of her knifes ready for what was to come. She didn't know whether she will need to fight Steve's friend or the cops, but whatever the case was, it wasn't big of a difference for her. The important thing right now was that there was going to have a fight no matter how much the Captain wanted to avoid it.

As the steeled weapons creaked on their way out of there metal scabbard, Steve gave her a warning glance and put a hand in front of her to stop her from taking any hasty actions.

'This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.'

The other man took out his gloves and show a glimpse of his metal arm which was hidden until now. He was getting ready for a fight too.

'It always ends in a fight.' He lifted his gaze at them.

At this moment a small object crashed the window and flew in the room. It stopped right in front of Bucky. He managed to react fast and kicked the grenade at Steve who covered it with his shield. It exploded under it, leaving no damage to anyone.

The cops started slamming the door, trying to get in. Aurora got down and hide behind one cupboard from the shooting attack coming from the window.

Everything was happening so fast. For just a few seconds it occurred a complete commotion. Steve pulled the rug from under a policeman and he felt over, while Bucky was slammed another in the wall.

'Buck, stop!' shouted Steve. 'You are going to kill someone.'

Aurora kicked a table towards a cop shouting at her in a language she wasn't understanding and knocked him down. She looked around herself and saw the Winter Soldier's back riding off.

'Hey!' She headed after him and caught his shoulder. He turned towards her, an anger growing in his eyes.

'Let me go!'

'No!' Aurora snapped. Bucky then signed, his patience fading away. He caught her hand and flipped her over, sending her back hit the floor. Sharp pain flew cross her spine but if faded away as fast as it had shown.

'Sorry,' he murmured, looking her straight into the eyes, a glimpse of sympathy flashing through his. He lifted his clenched in a fist hand over her face and sent it towards it. She closed her eyes, thinking he was about to hit her but instead his metal arm hit the floor and made a hole in the parquet. He took out a backpack and threw it out of the window. Steve jumped in front of them and covered them from a coming gunfire. When the shooting stopped, they all stood up. Steve knocked one policeman, while Bucky held his metal arm and repelled a few bullets. Aurora slammed another man on the shelves. The cops were continuing to shout at them. More and more were irrupting from the windows and the door. Bucky punched through the wall beside the door. He then jumped on the zip wire of the cops and swung down a level. Aurora and Steve both hurried after him.

The Winter Soldier continued to punch cops and knock them down. He tossed one of them over the railing and Steve caught him, stopping the cop from falling.

'Come on, man,' Cap said and looked at his friend wearily. Bucky ignored him and continued on his way, slamming more policemen, while running down the corridor. He leapt off a balcony and tumbled onto the lower roof of the neighbouring building, where his backpack was already waiting for him. Aurora and Steve stopped on the balcony, nailing on one place.

'I told ya he wouldn't want to talk with us,' the girl said glancing at the man next to her.

AN: I did it! I promised yesterday that I will post tomorrow and I actually posted. I hope you like this chapter. I don't know how the fighting scene turned out. I tried. Anyway, tell me your opinion about Aurora and her first meeting with Bucky. I'm really looking forward to understanding what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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