Chapter 3

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It's been a few weeks now since Aurora officially joined the Avengers. She didn't want to admit it out loud, but she liked to be on this team, she liked her teammates and even the costume they gave her. It wasn't anything special and thank God, nothing too sparkly or ridiculous. It was just a black bodysuit, similar to Natasha's one, really comfortable and the build in elbow and knee pads were like a gift from heaven.

Aurora was now lying on the bed in her room, changing the channels on her black plasma in search of something interesting to watch. While lifelessly pressing the button on the remote, her attention fell on a familiar picture on the TV. She stopped on the channel and tone up the sound. It was the today's news and the reporter was talking about the last events in Lagos.

'Tragic loss...11 Wakandans killed....the Avengers and a group of mercenaries...last month...Nigeria' The words echoed in her head bringing back fresh memories of her first confrontation as an Avenger. Yes, they managed to stop Crossbones and prevent the stealing of the biochemical weapon, but at a great cost. Since then Wanda couldn't stop struggling with guilt, blaming herself for what happened. But she wasn't the only one. The whole team was feeling dejected. The Avengers were everywhere to be found on the news and their name wasn't referred with good. 

The girl turned off the TV and opened the door of her room to get out almost crashing into someone. She brought her gaze up just to meet Sam Wilson's eyes.

'Hey, we're all meeting up,' he said. 'The Secretary of State is here.'

After just a few minutes the whole team had managed to gather around the table in one of the rooms and was now watching quietly at the screen in front of them. The played video was showing a news footage from past Avengers matters. From the head of the table, Mr Ross was listing the towns where the team had cross paths with their enemies and left only destruction.

'New York. Washington DC. Sokovia. Lagos.'

After the last name of a town, Wanda brought down her gaze, guilt shining in her wet eyes. The whole team looked uncomfortable. Aurora sank down in her chair. She had decided to join the Avengers because she thought that in this way she would finally start using her enhanced skills for something meaningful. She thought that all the running and hiding, all the street fighting will stop and she won't fell anymore as a criminal. Now, when the Avengers tried to save the world once again, they ended up being considered for dangerous and violent.

'Okay. That's enough,' said finally Steve. 

The man stopped the video and began speaking to the Avengers again.

'For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.' 

Ross slid a thick book across the table to Wanda. She only gave it a short look and then slid it to Rhodey.

'The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries... it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.' Everyone looked at each other. Was this actually happening? When Aurora finally got her hands to the book, she started going through the pages aimlessly. The letters were passing through her eyes. She couldn't focus. Next to her Secretary Ross and Steve were arguing, but she had stopped listening to the conversation.

When Nick Fury came up in front of the girl's door, he offered her a place in an independent organization, which meant that she still was going to have her freedom. She could go away anytime she wanted and no one had the right to stop her. But now signing a document? All of this looked like to Aurora as the governments of these countries were trying not only to put them under control but to take over them.

It is true that sometimes the fights the Avengers had, got out of control. People had died. But the team was giving everything to save as many lives as they can. What was going to happen when another treat came in and they are unable to do anything just because the governments will decide that it is too dangerous to let the Avengers lead the battle?

'Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords.' Steve's and Tony's eyes met. 'Talk it over.'

'And if we come to a decision you don't like?' asked Natasha.

'Then you retire.'

When the Secretary of State left, the team was still affected by what had happened. Aurora stood to make herself a cup of coffee. Why did everything need to be that difficult? Nick Fury wouldn't let something like that happen.

Tony and Steve couldn't stop arguing with each other. The whole team was falling apart. No one knew what to do and the guild was affecting some more than the others. Aurora wasn't feeling innocent too. She might not have taken part in the previous Avengers' confrontations, but what happened in Lagos shook her. Even though this, she was completely sure that there was no way to sign this document. Above everything, she prided her freedom. She joined the Avengers because she believed in them, because she considered them for a good cause. But under the governments' rule, they weren't going to be the same anymore.

'Sorry, Tony. I know you feel guilty,' she said looking at the man's blue eyes. 'But I'm not signing.' She brought her cup with her and left the room.

AN: Hey, I know I promised in the last chapter that we will finally see Bucky, but this one just needed to finish here. By the way, I'm currently writing a book about witches, called The Eagle's Flight, so if you are a fantasy fan, you should give it a try and check it out in my profile. Anyway, I hope you liked this part and don't be shy to tell me your opinion in the comments section below. It will really mean a lot. 

xoxo Arol 

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