Chapter 2

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A young girl was sitting in front of a kitchen counter in her small ceiling apartment doing herself a coffee. There was a dead silence until she heard footsteps coming from behind the front door. She immediately froze and waited to hear the next step of the stranger. It was a man, she decided, his steps were too heavy. The newcomer stopped and knocked on her door. The girl took the gun which was placed next to her and put it on the back of her jeans, going towards the door.


'My name is Nick Fury. I'm director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I have an offer for you.' His voice was deep and strict.

'Not interested,' she said, turning away from the door.

'You won't need to live as a runaway anymore.' That caught her attention. It's been more than 10 years now, she stopped counting them after that. For more than a decade she has been running away, hiding, moving from town to town. She has never managed to settle down, to find her place. But that was impossible after what happened on the day she escaped. She wasn't a normal girl, she was something else. A monster perhaps, created not by herself, but by two strangers who had detected that experimenting on a little girl was something normal and acceptable. Now she wasn't an ordinary human being. She had enhanced senses, superhuman strength, and speed. Her reflexes were perfect. Since then she has never felt ill, never caught a cold or had a sore throat. Her body was healing faster than it usually had to. It all sounded perfect, but the truth was that all of this improvements brought with them a lot of trouble. It was like the danger was attracted to it.

The girl stood immobile for a minute, old memories spinning in her head. The man on the other side was waiting patiently for her response. She turned again towards the door and opened it slightly.

The stranger was a tall man with an eye-patch over his left eye. His face was serious and scary.

'Have you heard of the Avengers?', he asked her.

'The jesters with ridiculous costumes from New York?' She arched her eyebrows. 'Yeah, I've heard of them.'

'Good. Then you might guess what my offer could be?' The girl opened the door more.

'I think I will need more information.' The man smiled to himself and got inside.

~~~A few days later~~~

Nick Fury was driving past the hustled streets of New York, Aurora sitting quietly next to him, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. He turned right and in front of them rose the magnificent building with the sign A on it - the Avengers Tower.

'Quiet prominent,'she noticed. The director said nothing and parked the car in front of the building. They get inside just to be welcomed by a good looking redhead woman.

'Miss Foster,' she said stretching her hand ahead. 'Natasha Romanoff. It's nice to meet you.'

'Nice to meet you too.' The girl said shaking the woman's hand. Her whole body was tensed.

'I was quite happy to hear you're joining us.'

'I haven't given my final answer yet. I'm just scratching the surface,' the girl explained. Natasha just gave her a slight smile.

'Okay, I believe I'm leaving you in good hands,' said Nick Fury. 'Now I need to go. I hope you will find your home here, Aurora.' He looked for the last time at both of them and turned around, leaving the building.

'Now, let's just meet you with the others.' Natasha turned towards the elevator and get in it, followed by Aurora.

'I know what you're feeling right now,' the woman said all of a sudden. 'I've gone through the same thing.' She looked Aurora right into her eyes. 'But I want you to know that you won't be judged here and once you settle here, if you decide to do so of course, you have found a family,' she smiled warmly. The doors of the elevator opened and they got into a huge open space.

'Deam,' the girl gasped, her eyes wandering around, exploring every inch of the place.

'Well, we need space for all the heroes, right?' A blonde man approached them. 'I'm Steve Rogers.'

'Yeah, Captain America. I know you. My name is Aurora Foster.'

'Nice to meet you,' he shook her head and turned towards the room. 'There are a few members who aren't with us here right now, but this right there is Wanda,' he said waving towards the ginger girl. She smiled from the white couch she was sitting on and waved too.

'And this is Sam Wilson and the Vision.' The two of them nodded.

'Hello. Welcome to the Avengers,' the purple android said, flying over to them. Natasha shook her head.

'Let's not make it that official yet,' the girl said, a little smile forming on her face.

AN: Hey, I know the parts are short, but I will try to post more frequently at least and I promise that in the next one we will finally see Bucky. I hope you like this one. Please tell me your opinion.

xoxo Arol

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