Chapter 2

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Beep, beep, beep.

That obnoxious and monotonous sound that wakes most of us up in the morning rang throughout Becca's head. She groaned and rolled onto her front side, reaching for her new alarm clock. She turned the alarm off and looked at the time.

"At least I woke up on time." Becca sighed.

She got ready and went to school on the bus, but Mark wasnt on. After school, which Mark wasn't at either, she went to her room, layed on her bed, took out her journal, and began to write in it.

Dear journal, today was very boring at school, and I think it was because Mark wasn't there, he makes my day. There was one akward thing that Brandon said though He asked me if Ali liked him! I'm starting to think he likes her, but I'm not sure. He made me promise I wouldn't tell her what he asked me, so I didn't. Even though it is so tempting. I hate making promises sometimes. He doesn't even act like he likes her either. He happened to ask me if that question affected our friendship. I said no, because it didn't. I am really curious... ...Ugh, for some reason Mark keeps popping into my mind. I kind of miss him more than usual. I mean I care about him, but of course as a friend... right? I have to go clean and do homework now, bye. Thursday, April 13th.

Mark stayed at home that day because he was sick. He had a bad headache, but not quite a fever. He layed in bed, but he happened to be writing in his journal too that day.

Thursday, April 13th.

Hello. I am home sick today, I don't feel good, but at least I have enough room in my mind to think. I miss Becca, but at least we are meeting tomorrow after school. I love the smell of spring and being outside. Being with Becca will makes it all the better. I'm so glad we are friends, I don't think my life would be nearly as intresting without her. I don't know why, but I'm hoping Brandon doesn't like Becca. My mind is really against that happening. I really do not know why. I mean, I'm not saying that would happen but... Ugh, whatever. I'm too sick to overwhelm my mind with too many thoughts like I usually do. I'm going to sleep and see if I feel better. Bye.

That night, Becca dreamt about Mark. They were sitting by the small river by wild flowers in the forest next to Captain Ringe Park. She laughed after Mark said something funny. She looked at him dearly, looked at the beautiful scenery, and laid her head on his shoulder. Mark looked at her and smiled a bit. Then he also looked at the scenery. Becca lifted her head slowly, looked at him and...

"Wake up!" Becca's mother yelled, standing next to her. "It's 7:10 A.M.! You have 5 minutes to get ready! Forget about taking a shower, I packed your backpack made you breakfast, hurry up!"

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