Chapter 4

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It was Thursday, and it was beautiful outside. The sun was shining, birds are singing, small breezes every now and then, it was a perfect day, but Mark still felt down. Once again, he hasn't seen Becca yet. He finished his lunch and dumped his tray. Then he put down his tray and walked out into the hallway. Suddenly, he saw Becca. He froze as happiness overwhelmed him. Becca turned around and saw him, smiling. He yelled "Becca!" He ran and hugged her tightly, as if he hasn't seen her in years. "Becca, I missed you!"

"Whoa ha ha, you hug tightly! I missed you too Mark!" Becca's voice was fragile and a bit crackly.

He finally slowly let go of hugging her. Her smiled and laughed a bit. "Your ok right? What happened?"

"I'm... sort of OK." Becca's smile started to disappear as she looked down.

Mark's smile washed off his face as a wave of worry clashed into the happiness upon the ground. "...What happened?"

Becca looked into his eyes. She giggled a bit. "I'm so glad to be back. Especially to see you." She smiled. "I have to get to class... Do you want to meet by the forest next to Captain Ringe park after school on Friday?"

Mark smiled too. "I would love to."

Becca slowly walked away to her next class. Mark's eyes followed her until he could no longer see her. He then walked to his class to. That day was truly perfect to him. After school, Mark and Becca had funny conversations, like in one Mark told Becca how he couldn't find his cellphone, when it was in his back pocket. Though the day seemed to pass quickly, it was great.

The next day, Friday, Becca quietly and delicately got out of bed. She woke up earlier than normal. She got ready and delicately ate fruit and nuts for breakfast. She slowly got her backpack on and waited outside for the bus. She walked up the small bus stairs with an ache in her leg. She sat next to Mark like always.

"Hi Becca." Mark smiled. "Are you feeling OK today?"

"Ya, I'm fine, thanks." Becca smiled back. She looked into his bright blue-gray eyes. "I can't wait until after school today."

"Ha ha, neither can I." Mark said in reply.

"Your eyes are cool." Becca's smile widened, wonder shown in her face.. "It kind of looks like they are layered with blue and gray overlapping... I don't know, it's just... Cool"

"Thanks Becca." Mark's smile widened too. He turned his head and look out the window.

At lunch Becca, Mark, and Brandon talked about how After school was done, Becca and Mark met by the front doors to enter the school. Captain Ringe Park was right next to the school. Becca faced Mark and put on a great big smile."I'll race you to the tree closest to the swings! 1... 2...3!" Becca took off, but her leg started to ache badly half way there. "Ouch." She whispered to herself, slowing down. Mark was beating her, but he looked back and saw her expression, and slowed down too.

"Are you OK Becca?"

"Ya, my leg just... hurts a bit."

"Oh, OK."

Becca and Mark reached the tree at about the same time. Becca patted Mark on the back saying, "It's a tie, good job."

Becca and Mark walked through the forest together. The exquisite scenery displayed all around them every step they took. They had several conversations.

"It's really nice outside today." Becca calmly said.

"Yeah, it really is." Mark agreed.

Becca and Mark were about to turn, but Becca stopped. She curiously looked at an opening at the bottom of where two branches met, where brilliant sunlight shone. Mark watched her as she walked there and moved the branches apart. Becca's beautiful eyes squinted as golden rays flooded over her face. When her eye sight adjusted, she was surprised at the unique and amazing scenery before her. "Whoa..." Mark came next to her. He too, was surprised. In front of them were pretty wild flowers scattered among the ground, both on the ground they stood and across the very small river gently flowing and tripping over rocks. Sunlight spilled in from above at an angle. Where they stood was probably the best spot to be standing in that entire forest. Becca smiled and laughed. She grabbed Mark's arm and ran next to the river. She let go and sat down, watching ahead of her. Mark sat next to her. Becca was lightly holding her bent knees and Mark had his arms hung over his also bent knees. They started talking again. Mark finished telling a joke too.

"...Well what are the odds of that?"

Becca laughed. She looked at him as she finished laughing. She again looked forward and laid her head on Mark's shoulder gently. He looked at her and smiled.That unusual feeling he sometimes feels hit him like an arrow hits a target. He had been feeling it all this time, but now it was very strong inside him. He then too looked forward. Becca sighed. After a long pause, Becca lifted her head and looked at him. Mark noticed and looked into her eyes. Becca silently put her hand on the back of Mark's neck, pulled him closer, and kissed him. Their foreheads touched as they both looked down, blushing. That one feeling might as well have taken control of him by now.

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