Look At Me [Sebastian Stan]

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It had been a few days since you had gotten out of the hospital because of that scene and like you thought it was better for you to stay behind the scenes. The only good scene you had going for you was the one where you weren't acting at all, every other one looked like trash and so they agreed it was best to do a different scene if they really needed a filler. They never did offer you to try to recreate the scene but even if they had you probably would have declined seeing as you can't even look at a tea set without getting queasy or suspicious. 

"Good morning." Someone greeted cheerfully, removing you from your previous thoughts. 

You took a glance to the side and see a beaming Sebastian who had just came in. You heart beat hard in your chest before you quickly looked back at the papers you held in your hands and were trying to sort through. "Morning Sebastian. How are you?" you greeted unsure of if you wanted him to stay there or leave. 

Your relationship with him has been a bit weird to say the least. Both of you had been close before the scene but it was more like a 'hi' and 'bye' type of closeness that was just extremely repetitive throughout the day because of how often you came across each other. For some reason that was why you fell for him, and though you love his voice and personality and not to mention how gorgeous he looks, you can't seen to feel easy around him. 

"I'm good. Even better now that I get to see your pretty face." he said beaming with joy. Blush worked its way to your cheeks as he pulled at your heart remembering once again for possibly the seven hundredth time that day that he had kissed you a few nights ago. You ruled it off as just a spur in the moment since you could have died but that didn't make it any less real for the even or your feelings for him. Sebastian was an actor though, for all you knew he was just acting to help you feel better about the situation or something and stole his chance to make some kind of move. Maybe he was even one of those people that would in the end black mail you with it, though he didn't seem the type only time would tell for sure. "Hey. [Y/n]. Hello." he was waving a hand in front of your face at this time raising an eye brow of confusion. When you blink back into reality you feel the blush that had erased itself reappear. 

"Oh sorry, what?" You asked. "Did you say something?" 

He opened his mouth before closing it and closed it before responding. "Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since you came back from the hospital." 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I just.. have a lot a paperwork and am trying to figure it out is all." It wasn't a lie but it wasn't at all what was wrong with you. 

"Are you su-" he stated but was cut off by the director calling for him. 

"You should go, he probably needs Jefferson to do a scene with Emma again." you reply turning ever so slightly away from him more. He needed to stop talking to you and get on with his acting. Besides he had a lot of fun working with Jennifer. 

"This isn't over, I'll be right back after the shoot." he said before turning and walking passed you towards the director. Your eyes followed his figure before looking back at you papers swallowing hard. 

"Hey [Y/n]!" you heard the director yell causing you to turn trying not to show too much of how annoyed you were that you can't finish this paper work for the life of you. "Come on we are about to start the shoot, do you want to watch?" sighing you take your papers and walk towards where the set was. Your eyes looked at the set and realized it was the same one you were sent to the hospital on. Keeping a slight distance you watch as Jennifer and Sebastian got into character and there places. 

You watch how they acted and how they spoke and looked down to your papers as you shuffled through them quietly behind the scenes. When the tea came out and she started to stagger your attention was brought back to the set. You watched as she fell back into his arms and you glanced away noticing where his hands rested. Dragging her back to the couch you shift from one leg to the other before looking at him as he began to walk off closer towards where you stood to get off set before he stopped to explain how he got caught with a laugh. Looking down at your papers again you turn to walk away from the scene. 

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