Three Years

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A trail of rose petals lead the way to the park where I was supposed to meet my best friend. Colby Brock.

We met 3 years ago, it's quite a funny story actually...
Three years ago:

I was walking around the mall when I found my obvious favourite store, Hot Topic. I was looking for a new outfit for my 17th birthday, I was just going out to eat with my friends so decided it wouldn't have to be too fancy.

When I walked in I ran straight to the beanie section where I eyed the black and maroon ones. I noticed bright blue eyes in front of me, also eying the same beanies I really wanted while we both went to get the maroon one and our hands touched. Yes, this was so cliché but the moment felt perfect. We both blushed and pulled away until the brown haired boy grabbed two beanies and handed one to me.
"Hey, I'm Colby." He smiles while I slowly take the hat from his hands.
"Y/n..." I said while still staring into his ocean eyes.

We ended up having a long conversation until we got kicked out because the store was closing. We found loads of things that we had in common and actually decided to exchange phone numbers. He was a year older than me but we had the same taste in pretty much everything.

We soon found out we are went to the same school but had no classes together, I watched him graduate and he became my best friend. We spent so much time together that everyone assumed we were dating. As much as I wish it was true, I always denied that fact and felt kinda hurt when I had to say that we weren't.
He ended up being my first kiss on my 19th birthday. Let me tell you how that went down:

Colby and me stepped into Tender Greens. He decided to pay because of course it was my birthday, I decided to just spend the day with him because my parents went to Spain and I didn't really have any other close friends. After we ate we decided to head back to his apartment to watch some movies, as we sat down on the couch we got swept up in a conversation. "How come you've never had a girlfriend the two years I've known you?" I asked out of the blue. He started playing with his fingers while he thought of an answer. "I just haven't found the right girl I guess... What about you? Any boys?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me which made me disappointed because I thought it meant he wanted me to date someone else.

"Well... It's kinda hard to have a boyfriend when you haven't even had your first kiss at 19..." I scratched the back of my neck and slightly giggled. Colby looked so shocked. Before I could say another word I felt something on my lips. I suddenly notice Colby's face right in front of mine and noticed he was kissing me. After a few seconds he pulled away and smiled. "You've had your first kiss now."

The rest of the night we just ended up laughing and watched a few movies. It wasn't exactly how I planned it but at least it was with the person I was starting to fall in love with.

*Present Time*

The path of rose petals lead to Colby who sat there with a ring box in his head. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He opens the box to reveal a beautiful promise ring while I put my arms around his neck and leaned in for my second ever kiss. This one lasted much longer and was so much more passionate.

This was because I love him.

Still can't believe this story has over 1k I love you all and please send me any suggestions you have!

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