Amusement Park

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Sorry guys I haven't uploaded in a while, I've been reading a lot and forgetting to write 😂 But I'm back now and hope you enjoy this chapter!
You and Colby are dating in this chapter.
May be some light smut.

Colby and I were going to the new amusement park today for our third date! I still remember our first date and how perfect it was...

Colby held my hand as we walked into a fancy restaurant. My long, (favourite colour) dress slightly dragged behind me as rose petals and a candle layed upon our table. Colby looked so handsome In a suit and although I'd never been one for fancy dates, I loved every second of it because it was with Colby.
*End of flashback*

We spent our second date just cuddling on the couch watching movies all day and night cuddled under a blanket. We shared our first kiss on that date and it was perfect.

I snapped out of my daydreams as Colby walked into the room. "You ready?" He asked. "Yup!" I jumped up off the bed and he smiled. We got into his car and he opened the door for me. (Colby's such a gentleman 😂)

We pulled up to the amusement park just as the sun was setting and it looked like one of those perfect aesthetic photos that you can never seem to get just right in the camera but looked breathtaking in real life. (Ya'll know which ones I'm talking about)
As soon as the sun set everything went dark for a few seconds until the amusement park lit up with colourful lights and my mouth flew open. "It's beautiful..." I said. "Yeah it is..." Colby said and I blushed as soon as I realised he was looking at me when he said it.

I took his hand and dragged him along to the gift shop where we got a "he's mine" and "she's mine" t-shirt. We went on a few rides and finally decided to go on the Ferris wheel. We sat down and started going up, after a while we finally reached the top. I gasped at the view until I suddenly remembered my crippling fear of heights...

I hugged onto Colby. "Babe what's wrong?" He asked. "I-I'm afraid o-of heights..." I whispered while looking down and keeping a tight grip on him. "Nothing will happen while I'm here with you." He whispered into my ear and brought me close. I looked up into his eyes. "T-thank you..." He held my chin with his thumb and index finger until I felt his warm breath on my lips.
They collided and it was soft and passionate but protective.

We cuddled until we made our way back down and decided to go home (the Mansion because you moved in with him)

We walked in to find that Aaron was alseep on the sofa and light snores were heard from everyone upstairs. We walked into Colby's room and I got changed into an oversized shirt and shorts in the bathroom while Colby put on his sweatpants and removed his shirt.

"Thanks for being there for me on the Ferris wheel." I whispered in his ear as I sat down next to him on our bed. "I'll always be there for you babe." He replied and pecked me on the lips. I brought his face back and we kissed.

His tongue traced my lower lip as I granted entry and sat on his lap. I began to move so I felt comfortable and heard a small moan come from Colby. I felt something on my thigh and pulled away smirking. "Horny boy!" I jump off him and giggle. "Don't tease me y/n." He seductively said and began getting closer to me and pinning me to the wall where we return to out make out session. I pulled away after a few seconds and slipped out of his grip and climbed into the bed.

"Goodnight Colby!" I giggled and went to sleep.

Should I write a smut? Some people have been requesting it but idk :/ comment down below!
See you next time.

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